The Most Caring Poster.

by orangefatcat 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skeptic
    There are dozens of caring people here. I'm not sure we need a list. If you need help on anything post your concerns here and the caring people will line up. They'll be elbowing each other trying to help you.

    Good point, LB.

  • LyinEyes

    I think most of us are saying the ones we do , because these ones were very special to us in the very beginning. They stand out to us as ones that gave their heart and souls to strangers as we were when we first came here.

    Everyones list will therefore be different, and by no means really a complete list of the special ones at that.

    I can in no way narrow my favorite most caring poster to just a few even. I can honestly say that most everyone I talk to in chat are all very caring people.

    But like LB said, those who gave us a shoulder to cry on , a hand to hold durning our first months here, will always be special to us.

    I have noticed that the sames ones that are mentioned by many others ,are special because I see them treat newbies and the down and out ,, with special kindness . They really reach out. That is why they are noticed so much.

    Everyone has their special little something that makes them so unique and treasure here at the board. There could be many catogories for them: wittiest, silliest, craziest, funniest, most serious, prettiest, most blunt, sexiest, most sarcasstic,,,,,,,, lol........ but again,,,,,,,, it would be each ones personal choices and would be diffferent for everyone.

  • Windchaser

    I would say that most everyone here is caring (including me, of the not mentioned class). The people who have touched me the the most are Cassi, Dakota Red, Larc, Scooter, Beck, Lying, Tatiana, Xena and Reborn. But, the truth is, you have all touched me, one way or another.

    Edited by - windchaser on 12 December 2002 16:40:20

  • Crazy151drinker

    Well my choice has to be crazy151drinker. Not only is he caring and sensitive, he has always been there for me and to top it off he is ultra-sexy.

  • ITguy

    VeniceIT has always been extremely sweet and caring to me.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Windchaser, you were the first person to be nice to me. Especially when people on another board ignored me when I was new.

    I must also add that <151> has been the most caring to me. He is always concerned about how I feel, if I like it, if I'm satisfied.....

    Chevy, of the 'always managing to turn threads in to something dirty' class

  • waiting

    Well, I swear I'm taking the Safe Road.

    I vote for Anghard, because she's The Most Caring for Simon. If she didn't, that fool'd be out partying at night not taking care of us.....and we're a wearisome lot of misfits who need care. This thread proves it.

    So I vote Ang. That's my story & I'm stickin' to it.

    Besides, no one voted for me. *sigh* once again. (joking btw)

    But serious about Ang.


    Edited by - waiting on 12 December 2002 16:52:9

  • Windchaser

    ((((((Chevy))))) Did I mention Chevy? She is very, very caring!!! haha

  • LyinEyes

    Now if you want to narrow this down to the most caring, live saving, sent by the angels above person who , was there for you at the very start..............mine would be ... WINDCHASER.

    I met her from another board, not sure really where,,,,,,,,, I was out of town, and we had just decided we were not going to be JW's anymore, I mean I stilled believed it but knew I couldnt stay in it the way things were being run.

    I went to walmart while out of town,, in dodge city Kansas,,,,,,,and got a computer , bought local internet access and BAMMMMMMMMMM there she was.

    I was so nervous joining a EX JW room, and we felt the same way about things. She even told me ,we were kindred spirits which I felt too.

    I even confessed to her that I smoked a cigerrette out of rebellion to the WT. She was so sweet and understanding, and I never forgot her . When I came back home and started my new Ex JW life, I wondered where she was.

    Then one day I found her here, and I still am grateful to her kindness to me when I felt so alone and so lost.

    ((((((((((((((((((((hugs Windchaser)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    You know this thread has also served a really good purpose , it is reminding us to be kind to new ones, help them on their path as we were helped. Reach out to those who are broke in spirit as we were and may again be. I know I will try extra hard to prepay what was done for me.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Well CHEV, as long as you dont mind that I share the love, for as they say "Sharing is Caring.."

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