The Most Caring Poster.

by orangefatcat 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • DakotaRed

    Here again, there are just too many to be able to list them all. But, I have to think Lyin Eyes list would be pretty close to my own, except substitute her name for mine.

    However, due to recent happenings I was involved with off the board, one name really sticks out to me. Cassilines. With all the pain and suffering this lady has gone through, she was right there when needed and supplied much valuable and caring input.

    There are so many caring ones here, Mulan, Swan, Princess, just to mention a few more, but pretty much all the ladies earn my vote and most of the guys too. To me, if we all didn't care, we wouldn't be here. Shari is right up there too. But, like in other matters, our perception is built by our interaction. With that, my hats still off to Cassilines.

    Max, you take care of my adopted daughter, you found a real jewel. Cami, you take care of my adopted son-in-law, you too found a real gem.

    Lew W

  • scootergirl
    scootergirl are the "hot" no complaining! LOL Let us "nice" ones have our chance, k? my name mentioned a few times.....thanks guys! What a nice thing to say!

  • scootergirl

    I am recalling a time when I was in chat w/two fine fellows from the board.....I was having a terrible day and these guys listened and offered their 2 cents and I tell you what, their kindness made an impact on me.

    Thank you onacruise and hillbilly. I don't know if you remember that day, but I sure did.

  • ring
    ring should learn to use the preview feature on the forum

  • Skeptic

    Sorry, Vivamus. I thought I DID include you! I corrected that. Honest mistake, cause I know I thought about you when I made my list.

    Here's where you show you earned your place in my "most understanding" category by saying. "I understand, Skeptic".


  • Vivamus
    Vivamus are the "hot" no complaining! LOL Let us "nice" ones have our chance, k?
    LOL. Thanx Scooter, for caring enough to remind me , I feel better now. LOL

  • Skeptic

    LOL! Thanks, ring!

    Richard, who is now Previewed this post...

  • Vivamus

    Awww, I understand Skeptic.


  • ApagaLaLuz

    I would have to say the onlypeople who responded when I posted a letter to my mother pouring my heart out (not that i'm bitter :) ) but thanks to Lyin Eyes, Scooter Girl, and AjaxMan (whom I haven't seen much of lately come to like of it)

    Also Xenawarrior and Jesika who always make me feel "special" when I pop in to chat from time to time

  • orangefatcat

    scootergirl how could I have forgotten you and my little friend mouthy.

    and yes all the names that are coming are great posters I love it keep them coming


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