Two Elders Came to Visit this Afternoon

by Scully 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beans

    Scully, if they decide to give you the treatment Quotes and I will go to your old congregation and give them the smacks and the beats! I am looking for an excuse to get up there to go skating on the Canal anyhow.


  • Mulan

    Our niece was DA'd without her knowledge. (not our daughter) One elder called on her, and she had just gotten out of the shower, and had a towel over her wet head. She said it wasn't convenient to invite him in, and he said "are you refusing to meet with the elders?" So she said "no, I said it isn't convenient right now." They announced her DA'ing at the next meeting.

    If they asked me that question, "do you consider yourselves to be a JW?", I would turn it on them , and ask them if they consider me one. If they say "yes", I would ask why they have waited so long to call on us. If they say "no", I would say "then why do you care? Your question is insulting, and I won't dignify it with an answer." The elders in this congregation are all cowards, and I suspect they wouldn't know how to handle that. They definitely do not appreciate an aggressive woman who will actually confront them.

  • wednesday

    We must all face the facts. per the literature, they are calling on all incative ones this next year. they are doing it to houseclean. With all this lastest apostate news, they feel the need to tighten the grip they have . now they just view it as keeping jehovah's org clean. they wonder why we would care anyway. We are not attending, don't want to be a jw, so why don't we want' to make it offical? they are very hateful about this. Acting like there are no consequences of being da. b/c they know others will shun us.That is our punishment-too bad for us. We can't have their friendship and be a part of the world too.. They feel all we could do is cause them trouble and they know how to get rid of troublemakers. They are clamping down and going to have more control of everything, esp. wo get access to the literature. this is just he beginning. expect to see a almost undergruond type contol of information.

    In my personal case, my hubby still belieives it is the truth.. he does not attend much and is inactive. But we both have illness issues and such. if they ask him if he views it as Jehovahs' org-he'll say yes. And i will too, b/c i'm not 100% sure it is not, so why rock the boat? it will not change my feelings or cause me to start to attend meetings. My husband will not allow us to celebrate the holidays (not openly anyway) so they will never see any evidence of that. So unless jehovahs' spirit is truley guiding them to "get" all of us problem people-i think a lot of us can BS our way through it.

  • Scully


    Thanks for the pat on the back. I never thought I'd ever get to 1000 posts, let alone 2000. I tried to get a life from the Sears catalogue, but they told me they were on back-order.

    That would be an interesting scenario, though, to publish a quarterly list of people DFd or DAd in the newspaper. Of course, the WTS would write it off as "apostate propoganda" or "the work of disgruntled former members", but it would be a kind of 'reverse witness' to the community, wouldn't it?


    You know you and Quotes are always welcome here to go skating on the Canal, regardless of whether or not an opportunity to put some smack on the elders presents itself. Just give me a shout and I'll fix up a nice big pot of chili...... and then we'll all go to the Public Talk and stink the place up really good!!

    Love, Scully

  • Scully


    I wonder what might have happened if "Kidd" had been home...

    I can hear the bell ringing starting the round.


    Kidd Scully bounces out of the corner,
    in the Christmas spirit of course,
    and proceeds to
    "Deck The Hall's Boys of Folly!",
    "tra la laaa la la la la".

    I'm really kinda ticked at hubby for keeping me out of the visit..... I would have liked to have a go at them. I would have liked to ask them to show me the scripture that says "If you turn your back on The Truth TM , your three beautiful children will be better off if you take them out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon and will have a resurrection in the Paradise." Do you think they'll be able to find that in the New Witness World Trash Translation??

    Love, Scully

  • ugg

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( scully )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • onacruse

    You're toast. What kind of jelly do you like on your toast?

    (Notice the clever use of you're...your) LOL

    Actually, in spite of the potential challenges you might face with your family, I'd say (speaking from personal experience) that making it "official" will be cathartic. What's finally DONE is DONE, and knowing that the address has been changed with no return receipt requested clarifies one's mind.



  • kelsey007

    Families have become seperated for many reasons- much more than just being shunned by jw relatives. Why live a lie? Why not be true to yourself and honesty? Why stoop to the level of those that you have departed from? Simple, plain old honesty is the best bet. Long term you will be much happier with yourself- you know the person you are around 24/7. You will never be happy dragging this thing on and playing games with the WT. The mere fact that you are posting here proves that.

  • ozziepost
    "Do you still consider yourself to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?"
    Since the elders didn't speak to me directly, can they make an announcement about me being DA'd??

    Yep, you're gone!

    Standard question to which their response is that you have disassociated.

    Can they do it without you? You bet!

    In our case, they made up a story for the congregation that Mrs Ozzie and I had "taken a stand against the organisation". Of course, we had done no such thing. We simply didn't go to the KH anymore. But since we attended churches, then they conjectured we were taking a stand against the Dubs. You can't win!

    Welcome to freedom. They've done you a favor, but the family bit will be hard. A case of standing up for your beliefs.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Undecided

    Hi Scully,

    My brother and his wife were both D'Fd for decorating for Christmas. She for decorating and him for allowing it. None of his children are JWs so none of his close family was involved in shunning.

    I had been going to a local church with my wife for about a year(just wanted to see what it was like)and they came by and said they had heard I had joined a church. I explained that I was just investigating to see what they did. They just said if I joined a church just let them know so I could be DA'ed.

    Ken P.

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