Two Elders Came to Visit this Afternoon

by Scully 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    My guess is that they will assume that your husband spoke for both of you. Too bad they gotta go to such lengths to find people and disrupt their lives. Good for your husband for standing up for himself.

  • Beans

    Sister Scully:

    I can't believe you missed all the fun, I would have invited them in for coffee and apostate literature! See once there in they would feel rude leaving cause they really want to get ya back and having them in isolates them and then you can play with there heads.

    But I think basically they can say what ever they want at the next meeting, they may or may not depends how they feel about you, are they pissed at you, if yes then perhaps they will. If you were a kind and loving sister they might set you free nicley.

    What a bunch of WANKERS though, EH..........!!!!!!!!!!! Screw them! Sheppard THIS.....!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    When were you baptized? If it was before 1985, remember you pledged loyalty to Jehovah God, not Jehovah's Witnesses and especially not to the organization and its rules. Others have successfully made the argument that you are still being true to your baptism vows. There have been people who have successfully sued and won over this very issue. Also it might help to threatend a slander suit against the individual elder, not the organization. In that scenario, he would be responsible for securing and paying for an attorney. Brooklyn would not help him at all. I know I would not be to be DA'd, not because I want to be a Witness, but because I want to decide who I talk to, not some pig-headed bigoted elder.

    Good luck.

  • hybridous

    Forgive my ignorance, but....

    What would've been the harm in answering the question...'YES'??

    'Yes, we still consider ourselves JWs, now be gone.'

    If you can stomach lying to people who would gladly lie to you....what would've been the harm in answering 'yes', if only to preserve peace in the family?

    If it meant keeping my relationship with my family somewhat steady, I'd lie my ass off to those idiots. Maybe this is a wrong game plan.....I don't know...

  • Scully

    Hi JH:

    I don't think that the elders came over to congratulate you for your 2000+posts, but they saw your christmas tree, and that speaks for itself. Even if they come back and speak to you, what would you say?

    Well, our Christmas tree isn't visible from the outside, so they would've had to go by the icicle lights we have on our deck (which we put on the deck in the summertime to take advantage of those nice summer nights ) Just because the support for our new sapling out front is tied to a red and white stick that looks like a barber pole (we got it at the dollar store because they didn't have real stakes, and using a hockey stick would be blasphemy!) doesn't mean we're decorating for Christmas. (Note heavy use of Theocratic War Strategy TM !!)

    If they came back to speak to me, I'd remind the one elder we knew about how badly the congregation treated me when I was sick - they were so horrible that I came close to committing suicide - and that I will never put myself in a situation where I'm in a position to be so emotionally and mentally abused again. (You can read some of my early posts to get the whole story - I posted about it around this time last year.) And then I'll remind them that Jesus said that his disciples would be identified by the 'love they have among themselves', and that their treatment proved to me beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are neither loving, nor Christian. And then I'd say "My neighbour across the street is a cop. Now get out of here before I have you both arrested for trespassing."

    I'll end up being DAd for it, but it will feel SOOOOOO GOOD!!!

    Love, Scully

  • Mary

    I like Bix Tex's idea.........if you threaten to sue the individual elder instead of the Borg itself, they'll think twice before they try to DA you......even if they thought they could win, you could really hurt them financially if they had to secure a lawyer and chanced losing their nice big home plus, would they really want that kind of publicity in the local newspaper if say, a reporter just "happened" to find out about it? :-)

    What a bunch of losers they must be if they have to track people down after 8 frigging years because they don't want anyone to be happy if they leave the organization.........

    Kick ass Scully!!!

  • kelsey007

    Lets examine this one- Inactive for over five years- National flag in front yard and x-mas lights going up...

    These elders were just going through a formality. Husbands response about pediphiles put the last nail in the coffin.

    I remember years ago when I was going through my limbo status and avoiding elders- one day I woke up. I thought why am I hiding from this thing? For the most part so-called JW friends had already distanced themselves from me just due to my inactive status. My actions certainly made a bold statement as to where I stood with the organization. All this just to avoid a df or da label? I decided that regardless of family or friends I had to be honest first with myself and let the chips fall where they may. Fortunately my family- mom, dad sister- ignored JW protacol and stood by me.

    To hell if I would live a lie for anyone. When the lights go out at night it is I that I must live with.. As much as I love my family and friends- and would never do anything to hurt them- they likewise must make the choice of how they will deal with me and my choices. Either way I will always respect their choices and deal with the outcome as an adult.

    One truth that the WT taught was that god knows all- if you believe in god. So when I look in the mirror I must be happy with me. And if, when I die, I find that there is a god that must be dealt with- it is I that must stand alone before that god. It is I that must answer for my stand and my actions alone. And it is weight on the hearts of family and friends that choose to shun.

  • Scully


    If you were a kind and loving sister they might set you free nicley.

    Me??? "kind and loving"??? You must have me mistaken for someone else!! Seriously Beans, I'm shocked that you even suggested it!!

    Actually, "kind and loving" is me to a T. Always has been, always will be. But knowing this particular congregation, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they DA'd me just for spite and then made sure my family members were notified and advised to give us "the treatment".

    I'll find out soon enough.

    Love, Scully

  • Dia

    For the record:

    Congratulations on the 2000+ posts! ;-)

  • Dia

    I was thinking about how much we might all like it if individual 'JW Disfellowshippings' were 'announced' in the newspaper!

    Realizing this ain't never gonna' happen (unless we just start to purchase little 'ads' on our own)...I'm thinking, would we like to see this in maybe a book form - or how 'bout an annual or bi-monthly magazine?

    Just little announcements, listing the names of the people announced to be d'fd or d'a (if they want to be included), the WTS official 'reason' and, in their own words, the 'real story'.

    Wouldn't that be a prickly pear in the society's cap?!

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