To a great friend Xenawarrior.......hugs

by LyinEyes 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Skeptic


    I think that in every case, Skeptic is the player, not the played. This latest we've seen is the consumate player, not content to work on a few women at one time, not even content when called on that, and so they try to play an entire community.

    Thank you for being specific again, Six.

    Please list who I have played and how. Since I have supposedly played an entire community, there should be a list.

    Funny, everytime I have asked that question, no one tells me specifically who or how I have played people. Just lots of general vague accusations that I am a player. That is telling.


  • Skeptic
    Something that I need to say: Please don't think that my silence on this means that I'm acquiescing to the bizarre blatherings of late. What you have been reading is a typical recipe for discrediting another. Take 1% truth and add a bunch of lies to it and people might not know what to think.

    XW, care to tell me where I had stated anything incorrectly?

    While you are at it, please provide a list of all the people I have supposedly played and specifically how I played them? After all, if I am such a major player, such a list should be easy to provide.


    Edited by - Skeptic on 9 December 2002 22:3:15

  • MegaDude

    Can't we vote Skeptic off the island?

    "Skeptic, the tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go."

  • jack2

    XenaW has one flaw.....she likes the Packers. Other than that, she's great....and I am proud to call her a friend.

    - jack of the fan of the Squared Sevens class.


  • LB

    Skeptic I don't think you are even close to understanding how you appear. This reminds me of how Jim was conducting himself but he just couldn't see why he was appearing so bad.

    You made your point. Why not just let it lie? Asking for a list reminds me of my middle son who never accepts responsibiltiy. Just let it go and this will all die down. If you continue you'll find yourself without a single friend on this board.

  • Solace

    Hey LB!!!


    Is there such a thing as cyber stalking?

  • LB

    Is there such a thing as cyber stalking?

    Of course, I've been stalking you for about a year now. Hey we should have an anniversary party.

  • Solace


    LB, you can stalk me all you want cuz yer so nice and sweet.

    I'll bet you would never even make me wear a collar.

  • LB

    Well maybe it's time to expose you on this site Heaven. I should be a gentleman but why not behave like Skeptic. Heaven played me. She made me wear a shock collar and then she buzzed me until I glowed in the dark.

    Then she made me go sit in a corner and have sex with myself. Be careful, Heaven is dangerous.

  • eyegirl

    word up dude!!

    heehee, am i in your tribe?

    eyegirl of the "never watches survivor, but i'll vote with megadude" class

    yes LB, that heaven, she's one evil witch!! i'm permanently scarred from the time i spent with her and XW this weekend. i may never recover.

    Edited by - eyegirl on 9 December 2002 23:24:54

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