ex-Brooklyn Bethelites on this site

by James2300 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws


    Often when I talk with X-bethelites they ask if i knew them. It usually ends up I knew their Dad. I was there during the 60's and 70's. Nevertheless, its good to hear from you.


    My wife has told me often, you and I need to talk. We must have some friendsin common.


    Edited by - Jst2laws on 9 December 2002 22:34:56

  • onacruse

    James: I mostly remember Ken Whatever because he had a BIG problem with cloth handkerchiefs, just about used up our whole new boy tour of the laundry making SURE that we all knew how utterly vile they were! LOL

    B2D: Yup, that was the time frame Nathan was there, he worked in construction, was there for about 6 years. I never knew Mike B.

    Jst2: So how does it feel to be an old codger? LOL If you like, e-mail me your phone #, and I'd be GLAD to call you. Katie and I would love to talk with both you and Joy.


  • back2dafront

    Wait! Nathan - was he a tall slender black guy?!?! If so i remember him well now - we used to ball together...

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Was there in 1969-1970. I worked on a printing press in the Brooklyn factory. I used to open the window near the press and yell to people on the sidewalk seven floors down, "HELP ME, I'M BEING HELD PRISIONER!!!!". I used to love watching their faces as they'd look up and just keep walking. One day I did it and Max Larson was walking by on the sidewalk. I guess he never figured out where the screams were coming from. I left about 2 months later.

    When I was there, it was looked down on for a Bethelite to have an outside job at night or on weekends. ( I think they were called "G Jobs") Near the end, I was spending all of my free time making money as a waiter at a wedding catering place and cleaning apartments for people in the Heights. I had a good friend from Texas and his G Job was as an armed guard on a Wells Fargo truck and as a waiter in the boardroom of U.S. Steel.

  • Farkel

    : I used to live in 107, 124 and Towers

    Yeah, and that amazes the crap out of me! You did all of that and you were NEVER a dub! Just how did you pull that one off, JT? You must be one smooth-talking devil!

    You were g-jobbing in Bethel and you never were supposed to be there! You were a Buddhist the whole time! In fact, I hear you sold twenty or so Budda busts to those kids in Bethel and they had to hide them from the housekeepers! You never cease to amaze me, JT!


    Edited by - Farkel on 9 December 2002 23:43:50

  • Farkel


    : One day I did it and Max Larson was walking by on the sidewalk.

    Too bad you had to have scumbags enter your life. May he rot in hell.


  • onacruse

    B2D: Last time I checked, Nathan is as white as white can be!

    drahcir yarrum: LOL Then you must have known crazy Margaret, the old lady that stood across the street from the Service Department (on the north side) and yelled at passers-by "I'm gonna cut your face off with a string!" And the guy that stood out in front of 124 at Saturday lunch and screamed at the top of his lungs about how wicked Knorr was (I mean, just because Knorr got the guy df'd...c'mon)? And how about the Mellon brothers...those Texas boys just can't stay out of trouble! I roomed just down the hallway from Lew M. in Towers 4th floor, and there was an incident that...well...that's another story!



  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    I do indeed remember crazy Margaret and I remember the guy who'd yell about Knorr. He was probably right. Knorr was a weird duck if there ever was one. I remember his little sex talk for new Bethelites and it was so explicit one of the new girls actually passed out. She probably just had an orgasm. Some of the mid-western girls who would show up for Bethel were just too, too good. Use to make me sick.

    I remember bringing one of these little princesses back from a congregation meeting one night on the subway and this nasty old bum sat down next to her. Before long he passed out and laid his head in her lap. I never laughed so hard in my life. She was terrified.

  • VitoJW

    Hi James:

    Bethel Laundry, late 80's. It was in the Towers/124 Basement then. Hot as Hell.

    But we had a pretty good softball team.



  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I just checked my E Mails..sorry it took so long..I sent you a reply!

    Look forward to your answer!

    Snoozy..aka Golden Girl....

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