What's The Nicest Thing Anybody's Done For You?

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • shera


    That is horrible that was done to you!!!! OMG!!! Sorry sweetie you had to go threw that.

    You do seem to be a strong ,kind person and sometimes hardships make us stronger and better people.

    Take care

  • logical

    there are some people (who know who they are) who have been really good to me, put up with me and helped me a lot. one of those people is never ever online anymore and none of my emails have been answered

  • animal

    Hey UGG.. email me anytime, my email is open (altho I am only home to answer it on weekends).

    With me, I cant think of one persons doing something nice, but I know that many people did. When I was a runaway and needed places to stay or food to eat, some people held out a hand and helped without me even asking. It kept me alive, I think, and safe.

    I do beleive that "what goes around comes around". Now, with a home and kids of my own, we have a 17 yr old living in our house that would otherwise be stuck in a bad situation. My son asked if his buddy could stay "a few weeks" back in May, till school was out. Well, here it is December and he is still here. I am not complaining at all, he turned out to thrive around us and loves it here. And we like him. He has way worse family issues than most people I know, and my only responsibility in this whole deal is to keep him safe.

    Having him here reminded me of the many families I lived with, and how grateful I was to them.


  • LyinEyes

    My husband is always doing so much for me, his words everyday of love and the things he tells me about myself,make me feel good about myself.

    One thing my aunt did stands out ....... After my mom died, she gave me some of my mother's personal things . She didnt have to do that ,but she felt that I should have them. I was able to do it back for her , when her son killed himself,,,,,,,, I had a couple of pictures of John, my cousin, when we were kids and he was such a cute little boy , smiling , she said she treasured them.

    When I had my son,two sisters came over with a whole cooked meal for our family, that was very kind. These sisters, were mother and daughter and were two of the "spiritually weak" one in our hall. The better than thou, pioneers , elders and others, always talked about them. But not a one of those haughty pioneers even so much as brought a box of chicken over. This was a hard , hard time for us , my son was a premmie and an hour away, we were running all over the place , trying to be with him, my daughter was only 17 months , and wanted me to hold her all the time. I had a c-section, and was trying to recover from beign in the ICU for over 20 days, and the hubby was trying to take care of the two kids and run the house while I was there. The jw's didnt even come up to the hospital , maybe one elder did, and I can understand it was an hour drive , but one we got home, not much was done for us . I had husbands family who helped us , thank God for them, and there were worldly neighbors that cooked and offered to help watch my kids .

  • larc

    The nicest thing that ever happened to me was all the support we received from people here, following my wife's stroke four months ago. We got over a hundred public posts, private e-mails, and phone calls. Jan got flowers from two people, and gifts from two others. What really touched me was that several people sent us money via paypal to help us take a vacation after Jan recovered. That was unexpected and much appreciated. Just to let you know, Jan is doing very well and is progressing very nicely towards full recovery. I do believe that all the support Jan received helped her greatly in her early recovery efforts.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I'm grateful for being on this earth with all it's imperfections. Whether I was brought into this world by lust or love, I don't give a damn, I'm here! It's up to me to decide which direction and what I want to do with my life. The many unborn cannot say that.

    Guest 77

  • Lutece

    When my brother was missing for a week and eventually found dead after being involved in a car crash in a remote area up north (hunting season) the ones that showed true love the most were strangers and "weak or disfellowshipped" ones. Neighbors gathered money for my parents, made whole meals and offered assistance such as distributing flyers, etc. Old friends who'd been disfellowshipped or weren't witnesses offered to do anything they could and they all showed such love. Not one witness friend of mine stopped by to see if there was anything they could do. Not one called to ask how I was or about my parents (my parents had faded at the time, but still had witnesses who stopped by and who knew of the situation). They embarrassed me and confused me and that was the first part of my losing my "faith" in the "trooth".

    You will know by their fruits, so true, so true. You just have to see it to believe it and I did.

  • blondie

    My husband did the nicest thing by marrying me in spite of my crazy family. Many years later he surprises me every day with some little thoughtful deed. There are times I don't think I deserve him.

    One cold wintery Christmas day, I was so sick with a fever (105 degrees) that I couldn't go to work and someone had to be there and it was Christmas Day and I had volunteered because I was a JW and didn't celebrate. My supervisor came over and took me to the clinic, picked up my meds, took me home and settled me in surrounded by water jug and glass, meds, juice, chicken soup, phone, tv remote and then went to work for me. She stopped in again at lunch and checked my temperature, renewed everything, and then finished the afternoon shift. Not a word and I was paid anyway.

    Two sisters out in service stopped by to use the bathroom. Their encouraging words:

    "Oh, are you sick? Don't get too close. I can't get sick and get behind on my time (she was a regular pioneer)."

    "You should go to the doctor. Well, we have to go and get in 2 more hours. Then we can quit. BTW, don't come by and clean the house tomorrow, we can't have the kids exposed to your germs. I suppose you can come on Friday (2 days later). I can't pay you if you don't come though."

    I told my supervisor about this conversation, and she gave me raise big enough to cover the money I would lose by dropping that sister as a cleaning account.

    Was that sister surprised when I called and cancelled without any notice!

    I can't say that every JW has been this selfish, but no one stands out as a shining example of being a Good Samaritan.

    I have had so many non-JWs be kind to me as opposed to the JWs that have been so deliberately cruel, I finally refused to believe the JW drivel that all these people were going to be destroyed forever and the cruel JWs would live forever. I figured if that was the case, that God better kill me along with the non-JWs because I did not want to live forever with the cruel JWs.


  • Kjell Hedblom
    Kjell Hedblom

    The nicest thing was when a sister in my congregation (my best friends wife) Victoria Paulsson in Gothenburg Kortedala asked me to MAKE LOVE TO ME.

    She camed to visit me in Thailand (she had been back home in the Filipins to help her father) and droped by for a week in my place.

    She told me she was in love with me and I had to tell that I kind of loved her to.So we really had alot of fun together including alot of sex.

    But then home in old Sweden she forced me to tell her husband (my best friend) and then it all went to the Elders and I got DF and she was also hevy punished but not DF.

    So I am so greatfull to her for giving me such much love and I nice time and to help me get kicked out after 40 years in JV.

    My wife did forgive me and she is still in JV but not attending the meetings.

    So thanx VICKY,you Filipin loving girl. I am very greatfull. I know that your twinsister LIBERTY wasnt that happy about this but I AM.


    Love from Kjell Hedblom

  • hamptonite21

    My exgirlfriend made a picture frame of pics of my mom and me after she died. It was so moving at the time

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