What's The Nicest Thing Anybody's Done For You?

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrMoe

    Said mommy, I love you.

  • minimus

    You guys and gals are so real!!!........These are very heart warming.

  • DiscoSandy

    I was disfellowshipped when I was 18 years old. My life was hanging by a thread at the time - I lost my job (I was employed by 2 elders at the time), I lost my apartment (I had shared it with a pioneer sister), my family rejected me, and I had no means of transportation (I had purchased a junk car from a ministerial servant about a month before I was disfellowshipped - it broke down shortly after I purchased it and it was my tough luck). My life could have gone in a number of different directions, but I am THANKFUL TO GOD that he helped me through. I had about $200 in the bank and started doing some temporary jobs so that I could eventually get back on my feet financially. During this time, I decided I really wanted to go back to college. I went to see a college guidance counselor who ended up changing my life. She listened to me, was compassionate, and saw potential in me. She helped me get a scholarship to cover about 1/4 of my tuition. (I had previously turned away scholarship money when I was a JW - she got it all back for me!) She told me to believe in myself and that I could make it through college. On top of that, she was able to help me get a permanent job which would ultimately pay the remaining cost of my college expenses. Her husband was a district court judge, and needed a courtroom assistant at the time. I'll never forget sitting in her office - she called her husband and told him she had found the best assistant he could have. I was the person for the job - I got it without even an interview. What a wonderful lady. I will never forget her. There are so many other wonderful people I could comment about, but she was there at a critical time and helped me start my life over as a non-JW.

  • kelpie

    Being Loved

  • Mac

    Awe, you know we love's ya Kelps!


  • AGuest

    Peace to you all, and I have to say that in my life, the prize for "the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me," would have to go to my children... for their neverending, never questioning support of my profession of holy spirit... inside and outside the 'borg... and thus, their still strong and loyal love... in spite of such profession, and in spite of my many flaws... and in spite of the fact that I raised them in the 'borg... which they both "left" due to the hypocrisy... even before I did.

    With regard to the latter, as far as I know... they hold no grudges, praise JAH!

    SJ, a slave of Christ... and grateful mom...

  • orangefatcat

    The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me was the day I left my ex husband which was Dec 24 1999 and my social worker and doctor made arrangements for me to stay at an emergency shelter for abused women. Well the director of the shelter was so compassionate as I explained to her my story and what lead me to the shelter and during our conversation she said to me I do know what you are going thru, my mother is a staunch Jehovah's Witness and when I was growing up I had to go to the Kingdom hall and as I got older I told my mother that I could not be a Jehovah's Witness. Tears were streaming down both our faces as she knew and as I knew the things that go on in the organization. And how cold they are as a people that they say they have love among themselve but in reality they do not. Well that evening as you see was also Christmas Ev e and I can not begin to tell you the untold gifts and goodies I recieved from a group of people who didn't even know me. They were non judgemental. They cared. They asked you daily if there was anything they could do to help you by talking with you about your problems. I can honestly says these people did the nicest thing for me.

    They restored my faith not in Jehovah's Witnesses but in the community of my neighbours as Jesus taught. To Love thy neighbours as thy self.

    Love Orangefatcat

  • YERU2

    The nicest thing anyone has done for me? Can I mention that in this forum? What about the kids?

    Ohh, I got one. I am ETERNALLY grateful to my grandmother (God Rest Her Soul). As a teen in need of spending money I'd go see her, but she never gave it to me. She would, however, let me earn it. She owned a small trailer park, there was always grass to be cut, leaves to be raked, stick to pick up out of the yard, windows to wash, gardens to be weeded, etc. I never walked away empty handed, but I always had to WORK for the money. Grandma taught me a good work ethic. I don't like taking handouts at all. It was a hard thing for me to swallow my pride back in the early 90's and get on food stamps for about a year.

    Shortly before she passed grandma was pitching out old checks that she had kept through the years. There was an enormous stack of checks made out to my brothers and I. Some for just $5 or $10, others for as much as $40. That was a lot of money for a kid in the 70's. Shoot, I was able to take my first wife out all weekend on $20. $3 for gas, $6 for McDonalds, the rest for a Chicken and Beer dance at the Knights of Columbus hall.

    I love to work and pay my way to this day. I'm glad neither grandma or my parents just "gave" me money, but made me do something to earn it.

    I tried to pay her back by doing things like shoveling her walk, digging her car out, raking leaves, etc and refusing payment, though she continued to try to pay me. Sometimes she'd still make me take the money, even after I had a job that paid well enough not to need the "granny supplement".

    I miss my no nonsense, calling a spade a spade, sweet, strong willed and frankly WIERD grandmother. Wierd because at the age of 21, in 1929, she shaved her head bald just to piss my grandpa off! She used to steal pocket money from his pants when he was asleep (passed out drunk) and was able to pay $1200 cash in 1944 for the house she lived in until her death. She divorced and then remarried the old codger in 1958. She would wait till he passed out and beat him with a broom stick. She once told me "Your grandpa woke up one morning and said, 'Geneva, I'm stiff, it feels like someone beat me with a stick last night' and I replied, "I did ya old son of a b*tch!"

    Grandma was just cool that way.

    Edited by - Yeru2 on 9 December 2002 15:21:40

  • TresHappy

    My husband asked me to be his wife.

  • orangefatcat

    thats beautiful Tres Happy

    Love Orangefatcat.

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