Cats and lawnmowers

by troucul 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    LMAO !!!!!!!!!!! @ Crazy 151............... Yeah I said i never killed an insect ,but then again not one has really crossed my path............I am morbidly afraid of waterbugs,,,, roaches, some may call them.I live in the deep , deep humid south, Louisana and we have bugs that have not been identified by scientist yet............ Really , we have these big roaches, that have wings and are dark brown, they come out of the pine trees, that are freakin, everywhere........ and they fly at you!!!!!!!!!! I swear to God I have had nightmares about these critters flying at me.......... I would probably commit murder if they want to face me off......... Forgive me lord, but I hate them.

  • NewSense

    Trou de cul:

    You ask me how many hours I needed to go through a dictionary to find out what "that" (your nic?) means. Well, by your question, I see that you are one stupid piece of shit in addition to being a sadistic coward who gets his rocks off torturing frogs. When I said that I could put a few sentences together "en francais," that means that I speak French. In fact, I am a professor of French and I lived two years in France. Therefore I immediately recognized what your nickname means; I needed no dictionary. My only question to you is: "Why in hell do you call yourself 'asshole'? Then again, I imagine someone who tortures small defenseless animals cannot have a very positive self-image. In other words, you're a sad, dementic fucker and you *know* it!! Alors, espece de con, vas te faire enculer. Tu n'es rien qu'un salaud! Et c'est une putain, ta mere!

  • troucul

    I'll just let stupidity speak for itself...

  • Celia

    NewSense, you're going a little too far here... all these insults are too much ! Hey, you're not the only one understanding French here...

  • Valis

    When I was quite young I shot several birds w/a pellet gun. Everything was fine until I went and found them...never shot at a bird again. I've salted crawfish and slugs in my time and kicked the occasional evil cat, but I've spent hundreds of hours working at the SPCA (not by my choice ) and have seen so many sad sights now that inhumane activities are a big NO NO for anyone to participate in. Especially for my kids, which why I believe it is important to instill a real love of living things at a very young age. Kids really have to understand that it hurts everone's feelings when animals are mistreated and not just that its wrong "cuz I said so".

    Flies.... yes, I swat flies, in the Fall, when there are thousands of them in my kitchen

    Dearest Celia, perhaps its time to do the dishes hmmm?


    District Overbeer

  • Celia
    Flies.... yes, I swat flies, in the Fall, when there are thousands of them in my kitchen

    Dearest Celia, perhaps its time to do the dishes hmmm?

    Sincerely, District Overbeer

    Dear Valis : My kitchen is always spotless... I never let dirty dishes lie around for very long... And the flies aren't just in my kitchen, somehow Fall is when they come in from outdoors...

  • Wren

    Lots of replies to this one. As a teenager, I went on a date once to the sand dunes to shoot seagulls with a .22 rifle. Never did hit anything. Try doing that now in a state park!

    I chased a baby skunk out with a broom, that crawled in through the dryer vent, & couldn't make contact no matter how many times I swung at it. I thought the spotted ones were civic cats that didn't spray. I was the smart one in the family.

    The kids lost interest in & abandoned a gerbil of theirs. I could not give it away to anyone & did try. It was find a python owner or give it 2 minutes lead time out the door then let the cat out. I choose the latter. That cat was trying for it from day one. I did not enjoy it, it just I'm of the opinion rats are cat food.

    Firecrackers work well to keep dogs running loose, that are up to no good, off your property.

    As for ethics, any animal or fish I kill, is eaten.

  • Dutchie
    ,,,, roaches, some may call them.I live in the deep , deep humid south, Louisana and we have bugs that have not been identified by scientist yet............

    LyingEyes, forgive me, but I am never, ever, going to Louisiana!

  • LyinEyes

    Ah,,,, not to worry Dutchie, come for a visit, you just have to wear a certain fragrance,,,,,,, it is called "OFF"..... Of course you may have your choice of scent, Deep Woods, or Powder Fresh.

    Let me tell you this past summer , you didnt see anyone without their jumbo size can of Off.

    It was durning the West Nile Virus epidemic which was the strongest in Louisiana, killing several.

    Maybe we will have a good cold freeze and snow this year to kill off some of these critters.

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