Cats and lawnmowers

by troucul 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trauma_Hound

    Trocul, your a sick fuck, if I caught anyone torturing an animal, they would be in the hospital before the police got to them.

  • Robdar

    "Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it."-- Mark Twain

  • BadJerry

    Just MTCW

    On Mark Twain quote - true that the human creature sometimes is really a sick life form, but I've seen domestic dogs chase deer down in Northern Minnesota just for the fun of it (a poodle, beagle and collie mix) and PBS has shown many times how monkey and chimp colonies will horribly treat eachother. Maybe its that the human creature still hasn't risen to the definition we've given ourselves as to being civil and humane....

    Which leads to the second point - TH, now that's really good - let's hurt those causing the animal pain..note point above. Capital punishment for those who murder, collateral damage (that's referring to all those Afghan children who gave their lives stomping out terrorism - and Bin Ladin still breathes!), and manditory long sentences for someone who gets messed up on drugs. Yep, we sometimes show the best at what sitting at the top of the food chain means.

    Oh, and I agree... this thread sucks!

  • SpannerintheWorks

    This is a very sick thread. Only a subnormal-minded person would start it.


  • Preston

    I hate this thread! Some of you should of stayed JW's...

  • pettygrudger

    Found - I NEVER Knew that!!! But, what choice did you have?

    I cannot stand it when people let their animals run loose and do whatever they want. Not fair to the non-pet owners, nor others property or pets. So, your choice was understandable.

    And this is one sick thread - I can't believe people can be so cruel to harmless animals (not you found - you were just protecting Teddy).

    What are those individuals going to do for "bigger prey" and isn't this how all serial killers start out?

    Edited by - pettygrudger on 21 November 2002 12:19:34

  • troucul

    I'm actually glad I started this post. I learned alot about some of the people on this board. (And they learned about me) It's amazing how things that I did as a kid, (20 years ago) will make some people so angry they threaten me with bodily harm. Does anyone find that weird? Who's being more sadistic? I guess man really is just an animal

    Believe it or not, many young boys do this. Is it right? Probably not, but hey it happens. It's impossible to get into the psyche of a young boy when they do these things, but again, it happens. A lot more often than those of you who were offended think. Maybe those of you who have sons, might want to see what they're doing out in the back yard. And even though I don't care for cats, I've never taken a lawnmower to one. Like I said, frogs were the largest animals I've killed. I think I've torn wings off flies too, I can't remember.

    And Robyn, it was impossible for me to know, because you never told me, you just brushed me off...typicalDon't try and explain yourself.

    And 'nonsense', how many hours did it take you to go through the dictionary to find out what that meant? I'm not even going to dignify the rest of what you said with a response.

    Edited by - troucul on 21 November 2002 13:38:39

  • Trauma_Hound

    Well I certaintly didn't do it as a boy. I think some serial killers started out doing that.

  • maximumflash

    I never did anything to harm animals. But I would tease the hell out of them. Here is an example:

    I use to take my fishing pole to the shore without hooks, just fishing line. At the end of the line, I would tie on a piece of squid. Then I would cast the line on to the fishing pier. Seagulls would swoop down to pick up the squid. When they fly off with the squid, I would let the fishing line go out for a bit. Once the seagull would get some distance, I would pull back on the fishing pole and jerk the squid out of their mouth. It would make the seagull spin in the air. I always thought this was a good way to get back at the seagull after they dropped a load from the sky which hit me once or twice in my lifetime.

  • Reborn2002

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