Cats and lawnmowers

by troucul 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002
  • Reborn2002
  • troucul

    "In violent homes, child abuse, animal abuse and domestic violence may occur individually or collectively. There is no specific causal relationship that has been defined as yet"

    I didn't say it, Phil Arkow did.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Snails, Slugs, and Roaches are fair game. I kill the bastards on site. Mosquto's to. If I find a black widow, I spray it will starting fluid and torch it.

    Thats about it though. My cats are a pain in the ass and I occasionly smack them for bugging me when Im trying to take a dump, but thats about it.

  • scootergirl
    smack them for bugging me when Im trying to take a dump

    Crazy.......if you and I ever meet, I will remember to leave you alone while "doing your business"! LOL

  • Trauma_Hound

    Thanks for posting those Reborn. That's exactly why this makes me sick. I couldn't imagine torturing a helpless animal. I'm talking about torture, not killing the animal for food, or killing in self defence, like if the animal attacks you, or loved ones. My little brother was attacked by a freind of the familys dog, when he was young, pretty bad actually. We found out later the dog had been being totured by a neighbor kid that looked simular to my brother. The kid used to throw rocks at the dog. It's sad when you have to put an animal down that's not normaly aggresive towards kids, because the family had kids. The dog was even friendly with me. But I have a soft spot in my heart for small creatures, I've always been able to get animals to come up to me, I've had chipmunks sit in my hand and eat pieces of my peanut butter and jelly sandwichs when I was a kid. I've had many people tell me they're cat's don't like anyone but them, and have them come and sit on my lap and let me pet them. Animals just know I think. Recently one of the women I've been dating lately, has a part boxer/pitbull, and she supposedly doesn't like men. The dog lays its head on my lap, and insists I pet it.

  • Pathofthorns

    .. an interesting thread in a twisted sort of way

    Personally, i like animals and could not tolerate any kind of torture of them in my presence. If it is necessary to kill, something quick and relatively painless is what I'd choose.

    But I realize such a position is difficult to rationalize in the real world. Nature is cruel and not all will have a good death. I think in the bigger picture, few do.

    As humans we like to transfer human emotions to the animal world, and this is just not really realistic. Most of us live in cities and we are somewhat detatched from the hash realities of nature.

    Animals starve, or are killed by each other or will be hit by a car etc. Sometimes you see a cat torture a mouse to death or you watch a documentary where killer whales are torturing a seal to death for what appears only to be for some sort of twisted pleasure.

    Animals are raised like farm crops only to be killed and eaten and the bombs men drop on other men (or women and children) do not give a kind death.

    The topic raised is an interesting one for discussion. I don't think I could think to highly of someone that enjoys torturing living things. At the same time I cannot reconcile my viewpoint with the cold, harsh reality that life and living things are very cruel to each other. Survival of the fittest is not very kind.


  • Crazy151drinker


    If I dont close the door all the way they come barging in the bathroom and start to raise hell. My pants are at my ankles and they start laying in my pants, jumping on me, clawing me, etc..etc.. Hello Im taking a dump! So thats when I get mad. But usually they are well behaved and I spoil the buggers.

  • scootergirl

    LOL crazy......thanks for the "visual"! So, if I come to visit, you better damn well close the door all the way! LOL

  • not interested
    not interested

    i have never abuse an animal pet or otherwise, i have no tolerence for people that do, not too far from where i live is a place clled "hooved animal rescue" they take in abused horse lammas even cows basicly any hooved animal, ive seen horses there with hooves so long that they curl a horse needes its hooves trimed at least every 2 months maybe 3 depending on the horse for them to get so long that they curl it would take over a year, also ive seen horses that are so malnurtshed that thier hips show, one time when i was ther i was almoast brought to tears looking at the condition of some of these horses, as i do when i go to the humane society just to give some attention unwanted and neglected dogs, about 6 years ago i was working a house, the neighbors had a cocker spaniel that was abused and neglected, covered with fleas, it was in bad shape, i shared part of my sandwich with it, the owner seeing his dog over by me called to it and as the dog got there he kicked it right in the ribs, i knew then what i had to do I STOLE THE DOG, yes i took the dog home after a few months she became one of the best dogs i have ever had

    after reading this you may think im an old softie, and and animal lover, and id say your right, now for the kicker, i also hunt, yes i go out and kill bambie, is that animal cruelity, some say yes me i say no,

    ok yeah i can afford to buy beef or pork, i dont need to hunt for food, but i love the tast of wild game, and not farm raised there is a difference.

    weather you belive in creation or evolution, man has always hunted game, and there has always been domestic animals for food,( well maybe not in eden if youbelive in that)

    nevermind im getting off on a tangent, ill stop here

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