Ever hear of the "Three-Brain"???

by WingCommander 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • found


    The sisters were threatened to be df'd? In 1992 our area was was doing booming business with BK and there were camps for and against, but certainly no commitee action. Are you sure there wasn't something more to what those sisters were doing? By the way, I don't mean to completely knock the BK in my posts, it's just that it seems to take a lot of money from people and to be honest I haven't seen it work any miracles.... eating well, excercizing and taking multi vitamins have done as much for me (maybe more) than biokinesiology ever did. And what's with the "three brain" title, is that really what is was originally called?

  • VeniceIT

    Speaking of that, John Barton was a very well known alternative practicioner in his day and was a JW. He is currently df'd for his work, yet he was called back to bethel on several occasions to treat the GB and others at bethel, and even used it over the PHONE LINE on Swingle.

    So while the GB was condeming it publicly they were availing themselves of his services privatly, perfect WT double talk. (BTW it worked and nearly saved a few peoples lives)


  • Mulan

    I don't know anything about the Three Brain thing. I just know there were two older sisters, who lived about 40 miles apart, who both made their living doing bio kinesiology. They had customers from all over, referred by chiropractors and other alternative health care professionals. By far, most of their customers were witnesses. The CO we had during that time was very anal, and terrified of anything that seemed "spooky".

    There was an Awake article that alluded to it, they were both talked to, and being good dubs, they backed off with their businesses. They didn't charge much, and tested with different supplements that they sold too. I provided supplements to one of them, and it hurt my business too. So I knew about it.

    I learned most of what I do from this sister. I also went to a seminar given by Mark Victor Hansen, author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books, who taught a very simple version of this technique. He was big in one of the companies that supplies products for me, so was teaching us how to test people. Bio kinesiology..........very much accepted outside the JW's............I have not talked to anyone, who didn't use to be a witness who even questions it...........they all think it's pretty amazing. Most people are open. Witnesses and many ex witnesses are still pretty close minded.

    Edited by - mulan on 20 November 2002 22:55:34

  • SYN
    One person in particular in my congregation was told she had 300 different persons in her

    Good grief! She could have held her own private Watchtower Study, with comments, and even had a few Elderettes going on in there! What I want to know is what happens if one of her personalities is naughty and gets DFd. LMAO.

  • found

    Venice, Over the phone?! You must be kidding, right?

  • rem


    I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but AK has been proven to be ineffective in double blind tests. The fact that it works in an uncontrolled environment is no mystery at all. It's probably part placebo effect and part having a positive attitude. Andecdotes are all well and good, but they are highly selective. AK practitioners and their adherents are not going to publish bad results.

    I agree that there are bad traditional doctors out there. That's why it's important to get more than one opinion when you are making an important medical decision. But I would be wary of any practitioner who makes outrageous claims of miraculous healings - and I certainly don't buy the Drug Company Conspiracy Theory.

    Do you know that if one of these practitioners could prove that their techniques really work (in double blind tests just like all other approved drugs have to go through) then he could win a Nobel Prize? There is much incentive for people to get their findings published in quality peer reviewed journals. But it takes a lot of work and a lot of good data.

    I also agree that many drugs only mask symptoms and do not 'cure' or 'heal'. That is the real world. There are diseases out there that have no cure or no magic drug. Probably the best healing agent we have is our own bodies and a positive attitude. But for most, even that is not enough.


  • Mulan

    The tests these women did, weren't used to heal anyone. They are a diagnostic tool.

    I use them to ask questions of the body. It can be used to release emotions. I don't really care if other people scoff at this practice. I know it works, and have lots of company. Most of the people I know are not skeptics at all. As I said before the only ones I've talked to who are skeptical are witnesses and ex witnesses.

    I have demonstrated it at large gatherings, usually using someone who doesn't think it works. It always works and the person is just floored.

    I talked to my mother's doctor about testing her for something on Tuesday. He said "you mean muscle testing?" I said I did, and he said he did that too, and was glad to hear she had someone at home who could do it. He is a medical doctor.

    There are always going to be skeptics. As I said, I don't care if people don't believe in it. I do.

  • rem


    I'm just curious as to what exactly you do at these gatherings that impresses the skeptics. I hope I'm not sounding rude because I really am curious.

    I'm thinking that if you are doing certain muscle diagnostics without controls then they probably will seem impressive. But if you were to actually do a double blind test, then the diagnostic would probably not work, as shown in controlled, published tests. That is why drugs have to be double blind tested with placebos to check their effectiveness. I'm just not sure of what you actually do, so I can't make a confident recommendation for a double blind test at this time.

    If it is the standard muscle test, then you could do a test where both the practitioner and the patient do not know what the metal or object is. A third party would have to record the results and see after a number of trials if the results come out as expected or not.

    If it fails the double blind test, then it is clear that it is not necessarily the AK technique that is providing the diagnosis, but other queues from the practitioner and/or patient. As far as the actual AK remedies are concerned, if the diagnosis is not confirmed by double blind tests, then there is no indication that any remedy can be accurately prescribed. This means that any benefit from the AK therapy is most likely due to the placebo effect, positive thinking, added attention to the patient, etc. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does help to show that the actual technique is not so important as the fact that the doctor and/or patient believes that it will work.


  • Mulan

    One thing I did was with food. You get a negative or positive response.

    We blindfolded a woman, and I had her hold her hand out............I put a piece of brocolli on a paper plate onto her hand and tested her as to whether this was good for her or not good for her. Her body is what reacts, not her conscious mind, so that is why we blindfolded her, to demonstrate that she had no power over the conclusion.

    Naturally I got a positive. Then we did it with carrots, cheese, and cake and cookies. All in random order. She was really impressed.................this is a highly educated, successful woman. I didn't tell her what was on the plate until after I got the response. It worked everytime.

    The same thing is done all the time with photographs. Show someone a photo of a war torn area, with maimed children, and you will get a negative muscle response. Show a beautiful tropical beach with laughing, happy children, and you get a positive every time!!

  • Mulan

    In this world, where the pharmaceutical companies rule, and the double blind studies are considered the only way to prove effectiveness, but there is something wrong with that philosophy. I have been into alternatives my entire life. I know they work, and I don't need a double blind study to prove it to myself. I rarely take any drug to treat anything, and have only had antibiotics a few times. I do believe they are necessary for many things, if you want to treat something fast. But the answer isn't always to pop a drug, to treat a health issue.

    Have you ever seen this?

    2000 BC
    Here, eat this root.
    1000 BC That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer. 1805 AD That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion. 1940 AD That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill. 1985 AD
    That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.
    2000 AD That antibiotic doesn't work anymore. Here, eat this root....................

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