Computer games are from the Devil

by ignored_one 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ballistic

    Following on from the space invaders... In under 10 years, we will have full photographic quality 3D animated environments in which to play games through goggles. What do you think the Watchtower will have to say about that?

  • Matty

    Ballistic, the GB must be finding it increasingly difficult to cope with new technology, trying to work out new ways of condemning it!

    Manon, the Smurfs? I think they're too busy these days going on Quick-builds!

    Edited by - matty on 19 November 2002 20:21:47

  • Matty

    Hallelujah! The last page! I hope all the pages are clear enough, it's difficult to make them crystal clear without having enormous file sizes.

    Iggy, you owe me a beer! Right, I'm going to bed!

  • Downunderandout

    that is of course until the wt finishes developing the Society Implanted Manipulations (Sims) and their Pioneer family:

    Object of game is to get through stages 1-5 as many times as possible without been blown up by the free minded non-assimilated.

    Level 1:Keeping your eye simple: build the most modest house in the most run down suburb, or for double points lease the most run down house and never own anything of value.

    Level 2: Creating Pioneers for the service: create children who will never enjoy the simple things of life, who will be hassled by their peers until they leave high school at the minimum age without a sufficient education to obtain gainful employment, for double points, have all the family work as cleaners for less than minium wage with hand outs from the government.

    Bonus Level:

    Level 3: Keeping busy in the service: go forth and assimilate the neighbourhood rejecting any intelligent rebuttal never questioning the Force, for double points, love bomb the unsuspecting neighbours, for triple points, reprogram the neighbours and set them on their game starting at level 1.

    Level 4: Reaching Out: Make all males in the family MSs or Elders get them involved in all aspects of the game until they forget about their family and achieve complete washed mind status, for double points, make the females servant like without opinion and braided hair.

    Level 5: Where the need is great: Marry off offspring to most uneducated assimilated partner as young as possible, for double points, send offspring and partner to isolated area where assimilation is nonexistent to start process of level 1.

  • b_ster

    Hey... Is this 23 year old not a JW?! They only refer to him as a Christian! Couldn't they find a 23 year old JW who was addicted to video games?!

  • Matty

    Did I really work till 20 to 2 in the morning scanning that nutty article through and posting it? I must love this place!

  • mitch

    that airplane game..... well that is indead a very HARMLESSLY ENTERTAINING.

    you couldn't hurt anyone by learning that, could you?

  • ARoarer

    The probably own stocks in the game business.

  • Pathofthorns

    These guys couldn't give a rats ass about the content of the video games. They just don't like the time and money being spent on them that could be given to them and their interests instead.

    You can just see the self-righteous parents now telling the other "weaker" parents that they have decided not to get a video game consol due to this article. "The risks are just too great for our family".

    Tough luck for the kids that are deprived of one more thing that is "normal" and tough luck for their parents when they wonder why their children reject everything they were taught and why they hate their parent's religion so much.


  • undercover

    This is pretty much the same article over and over. Just substitute "television" or "music" for "computer games". Their all violent. They teach wrong morals. They consume too much time. Eye strain (ear damage, if music). Cost's money. Always an example of a "Christian" who overcame his problem with this "addiction".

    They take such a negative approach to everything. Everything is bad. It's better to not have anything to do with it. Why not be positive? You can enjoy computer games. But you have to learn to set limits in it's use and content. They don't mention that. They just throw all the bad things they can find about them at you and then the nice little experience of how one person went cold turkey. That's what they want you to do. A lot of their readers will overreact and just plain ban these from their homes. "The Society says it's bad for you and this is coming from the F&DS so we don't want to displease Jehovah". Whatever.

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