I always disagreed with ....

by fulano 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    and I was at a bad time in my life

    LB - I still don't think you made a plain decision to be obese - obviously you were being pressured by something in you life, even if it wasn't jwism.

  • Mackin
    how many filthy fat friends did we have

    This statement comes form the shallow bigoted mind of somene who judges people by their appearance. People with this kind of attitude are not among those I would choose to associate with either online or offline.


  • LB

    A Paduan there were lots of reasons I got fat. I sure didn't want to. Slowing down with age helped. I couldn't exercise as much as I liked. I certainly had the genetics to gain weight as my parents always fought that battle. But while I may have been slightly depressed I really didn't get super depressed until I became unhappy with my appearance and health.

    I think for me food was my addiction. I loved M&M's and garbage like that as much as anything. I looked forward to it and almost drooled thinking about it. I accept responsibility for making poor choices and not staying on top of it. I have lost hundreds if not thousands of pounds in my life over the years. I would gain 30 pounds and take it off. Gain 35 and take it off, over and over.

    Oh by the way. I did have some serious medical problems which were life threatening but, my doctor told me that had I not lost the weight I would have died within a year, most likely within 6 months. I was a sick fat old unhappy man. The surgery gave me a new lease on life and control over my life. Oh and while no one has mentioned it, the surgery was not the easy way out as Oprah has said on her show. It was just an effective way out.

    Now I get to hang out with cool people like Mr. Princess from this site and go scuba diving with him. Next summer my wife and they will join us in the Seattle to Portland bicycle ride. It's 200 miles done in one or two days. Imagine that. I'll be 57 years old and have no doubt I can do this.

    While I don't appreciate the "fat filthy" type of comments made here lets remember that those type of comments are made daily. It's ok for Letterman or Leno to make fun of obese people. Don't tell a polish joke or any racial joke, but poke fun at obese people. That's fine. So I don't blame people for saying such unkind things. It's all too common. But I don't ever let comments like that slide. I will give a retort every single time. My hope is maybe, just maybe people will stop acting like unkind school children and try to understand how hurtful those comments are.

    I am not angry with anyone. I'm just saddened by it.

    Edited by - LB on 15 November 2002 1:1:9

  • kelpie

    I am with you Macken.. my man loves me not being skinny.. he said he would hate it if i was skinny

    (((((((((LB))))))))))))))) I know what a consent battle it is so unless you have been overweight and know what it feels like I think you should keep your narrow minded comments to yourself!!!!

    Edited by - kelpie on 15 November 2002 1:3:24

  • Swan

    I don't really understand what this argument is about? Shunning anyone, whether it is for overeating, drinking, smoking, or anything else is wrong. Shunning is wrong, wrong, wrong! Judging others for those things is also wrong, wrong, wrong! That's what the Dubs do. Casting stones gets us nowhere, for we all have faults and weaknesses.

    I think what I despised about the JWs the most when I was one was when I first read, and I mean really deeply READ during personal Bible reading, Christ words in the Sermon on the Mount about not judging others. I was so ashamed to realize that we were all a bunch of hypocrites and I was one of the worst. I was so judgmental. I was taught to be judgmental from the day I was born.

    Now I have come to learn that I was never really a very judgmental person at all. I was just taught to be. Ironically, now, when I really don't believe in Jesus as anything other than a very wise and peaceful person, I am closer to being like him in spirit than when I was a JW and believed him to be the son of God.

    To anyone I ever judged harshly for smoking, eating, or drinking, and that includes my departed alcoholic Grandfather who made our lives a living hell, I humbly ask your forgiveness.


  • thewiz


    what would it take for YOU to get ME a cuban? and are they REALLY the best cigars ever? so far the best i have had so far is cohiba's

    yes, i live in the USA

  • fulano

    what would it take for YOU to get ME a cuban? and are they REALLY the best cigars ever? so far the best i have had so far is cohiba's

    yes, i live in the USA

    That's right, you are living in the USA, so you can't get Cubans??

    Than try Dominican Sigars, some Cubans who had to leave Cuba went to the DR and Honduras and started to make cigars overthere, some are as good as the Cubans, which I still prefer. Try a DON SEBASTIAN, or DON PEPE, you will love them. greetzzz.

    And sorry to all the sensitive souls

  • meadow77

    Smoking is a sin

    Overeating is a sin

    Drinking to excess is a sin

    Disobeying your parents is a sin

    Lying is a sin

    Thinking bad thoughts are a sin

    Hating someone is murder

    Judging people is a sin

    I am overjoyed to report that God in his infinite wisdom knew that we could not be perfect. The list of sin is long, but God's grace is longer. I occasionally overeat, and I haven't been able to kick my smoking habit just yet. I will not make excuses for the list of sins I commit, but that's between me and God. If you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive you.Amen. It's funny to me that imperfect men think that they can stand in judgment of another imperfect man. God is Good. Still feeling the grace though not perfect.

    P.S. Nothing can seperate us from the love of christ. Nothing!

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