The mother of all gripes

by kenpodragon 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    I personally feel that the single biggest problem in modern society, is the lack of taking personal responsibility for our own actions. I think that as a culture we have allowed people the room to make excuse after excuse, and accept these as something that should be legit. What do I mean? Well w e see kids raised in families that love them, feed them, take care of them to the best of their means. Then the person grows up, commits a crime and says "Dad never told me he loved me!" People hug them and say, "we understand and we see you are just acting out on something missing from childhood." Never mind the victim in the crime or someone they murdered, the person was just "acting out on something that was someone else's fault." We see people murdering people, and then saying "I ate a Twinkie and it made me hyper" and then they get off, with people thinking that the Twinkie people should be more careful. (Actually happened in the state of California). We see people beating people up on camera and then saying, "they provoked me by wearing the wrong colored shirt." People are suing fast-food chains for making them obese. It just never seems to end. We say something that offends people, and the person gets upset, and what do people do. They blame someone else who told them to say it, someone who wrote it, or they blame their up bringing in the matter. They might even blame the Devil and say he made them do it. In the end, people expect us to accept these excuses and move on. Recently I read where someone lit themselves on fire, because they saw it in a movie and wanted to see if they could do it too. They burned themselves pretty bad, and now they are suing MTV for making the movie in the first place. "Please cure my lack of responsibility with a few million." I am so sick of people not taking personal responsibility for their own actions. If you did it, then it means you should take responsibility for it. Do not blame the system, your parents, your friends, a book or some movie you saw. You did the deed and should pay the price. Some where in your mind, you decided that what you were going to say or do was right or wrong. So, some where inside you need to learn, "it's time to pay the price for my actions." When will people see this? When will people stop blaming everyone else for what they do? I wonder, when will our culture wise up on this and tell people who whine "you did it, why should we punish someone else." Do not reward stupidity with allowing lack of personal responsibility. Reveal it for what it really is, "your responsibility and not another's for the actions you choose to do!" My Gripe Dragon

    Edited by - kenpodragon on 12 November 2002 14:25:52

  • RandomTask

    When we start encouraging personal responsibility in our laws and policies. When we tell the trial lawyers ENOUGH! ANd when we start teaching our children to accept responsibility.

  • LuckyLucy

    My major gripe is when i go to a fast food resturant and my fries are cold!!! Thats not MY responsiblity !!Maybe i can sue.

  • BadJerry

    And we could all start right here by accepting responsibility for getting in the WT and staying for as long as we have...and the problems that result. OK, I agree things like child and spouse abuse are definitely caused by others. On the other hand, we were the ones who only read the Watchtower literature, didn't check the sources, shunned all those bad a1s apostates, etc...responsibility and accountablity are hard pills to swallow when you come to realize its you (and me) that have to be that way. Great post - let the debate begin!

    Gotta get back to work - 17 minute coffee break is over.

  • kenpodragon


    Yes, but does the fast-food place blame the night manager who worked two days ago, because he did not change the oil. Then tell you that you need to deal with it, because it was not their fault? That is what society teaches is okay after all.

    My thought


    Edited by - kenpodragon on 12 November 2002 14:52:42

  • kenpodragon


    My parents raised me in the religion, until I was 18, I did not have a choice. From that point on, I take full responsibility for continuing and not checking all the facts. I never blame my mom for how she raised me either, she was just doing what she thought was best for her children. I choose to spend my early adult life in the religion, I choose to read and do what they said, and thus, any actions I did or said are my responsibility as an adult.

    My thought


    Edited by - kenpodragon on 12 November 2002 14:57:6

  • caligirl


    You are so right! I also think that a huge contributing factor to all these ridiculous lawsuits is lack of common sense. The legal system would not be so bogged down and would have more time to deal with legitmate issues if people used their brains in the first place. It would also help if the courts would tell these people who file these suits to get lost, rather than awarding them millions. Justice is not at issue here - it is not justice to award someone money for stupidity - in fact in my opinion, it is the opposite. It blows me away that people watch tv stunts and try to immitate it are somehow are not capable of recognizing that they are likely to be injured in the process! The idiot suing MTV should be laughed out of the courtroom and told that no one should have to pay him for his own stupidity!

    IMO, part of the problem is that the courts will hear the cases in the first place! Awarding morons money for lacking common sense only encourages more idiots to file stupid lawsuits because they see it as a way to get money for nothing. There are certainly ligitimate cases of personal injury , but setting yourself on fire because you saw it on tv, or putting a hot beverage between your legs while driving and laying the blame on the people that made it when you get burned are examples of supreme idiocy, and should not be rewarded with financial compensation.

    Unfortunately, I think all we can do about this is do our best to teach our own children to be responsibile and accountable for their decisions and hope others who posess the gift of common sense will do the same.

  • freedom96

    I too hate it when people use excuses for their behavior. A grown adult has the CHOICE to act the way they do. I don't care if they had a rough childhood, or a certain culture behaves a particular way. People were made with free will. They can choose to do good, or choose to do bad.

  • Francois

    If you want to find the root cause of our problems stemming from refusal of everyone to take personal responsibility for their actions, you need look no further than your nearest leftist, liberal, socialist, democrat, etc. We have had forty years of their touchy-feely, it ain't your fault, society is to blame bullshit. It is to the leftists that we can point for the fact that our culture is rotting from within, just like the Roman Empire.

    You like this rotting from within? Keep voting democrat.

  • Crazy151drinker

    Ahhhh the infamous Twinkie defense. Small world. My semi Grandfather was a firefighter with the guy and introduced him to his wife. Rough times for San Fransico.

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