I did it, I did it, I did it! Yah, yah yah!

by COMF 35 Replies latest social physical

  • Englishman

    Well done, Comf.

    I enjoy carpentry too, but the cost of timber in the UK is bloody astronomical. For example, rough sawn softwood, say 4 x 2, would cost around 2 pounds a yard, hardwood would be triple that.


  • bluesapphire

    COMF, I'm happy for you. But I thought you were going to tell us that you got a date with your doctor.

  • COMF

    Well, all you well-wishers with the hot doc... back at work today, I got a call from her office. Seems she wants me to come back in! Hey-yuh!

    Ah, me... (dream, wish, imagine). It seems the blood tests show me to be anemic. Who'da thunk it? I'm blowin' and goin' like a wild man. But dahling doctor wishes to see me anyway... if she wants to see me, then, buddy, she'll see me! Ayup.

  • WildHorses

    Comf, if you don't ask her out, I'm going to spank you. You never know, this could be THE one.

  • COMF

    Why don't you just move down here closer and make me forget all about her, sweetie?

  • WildHorses

    speechless.........again. lol

  • LB

    See Comf, you can do it. You hit on Lilacs. The Doc isn't nearly as hot as her, go for it.

  • WildHorses

    LB, and how do you know this? She may look like Marilyn Monroe.

  • TR

    Hey Lilacs,

    If teenagers are hot for you, then you must be one helluva doll.


  • WildHorses

    TR, yeah right. But, he wasn't a teenager. He's 23 and I know what he REALLY had on his mind. He just thought I would jump at the chance to get a young stud in the sack. Not me, I like older men, always have.

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