My grandma

by Vivamus 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • TruckerGB

    You have my deepest sympathies Viv.

    Take care,


  • Mac

    Very touching post, Viv. My heart goes out to you.


  • crownboy


    Sorry to hear about your loss .

    Your grandma was a wonderful person from the various posts you have made about her on this board. Loosing a loved one must be tough; death is inevitable and expected in life, but never welcomed, especially with a loved one. Hopefully, as the sorrow fades and you are able to fully cope with your grandma's passing, you will be able to make her live on in the fond memories you and others who loved her have.

  • caligirl

    Viv - I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  • madison149

    I'm so very sorry about your grandmother. The picture you posted of her was wonderful, thank you for sharing that. I lost my grandmother recently also, and part of my heart went with her. I'm so glad you could be with her, she must have known how loved she was.

  • kelpie

    Sorry to hear of your lose.

  • fairy

    how sad for you.....i know what its like, i was a similar situation with my mum...someone always slept in the same room as her in case she was in pain or had to go to the toilet because she couldnt really do anything much for herself....she had cancer and she died 4 months after she found out....i miss her very much and she was a "faithful" jehovahs witness right to the thing she said though when she was dying was that she was going to heaven...............go figure....

  • sister grace
    sister grace

    What a wonderful tribute to your grandma. She sounds like a wonderful person. I wish everyone could have a person like that on there side. I just hope my grandchildren can have half that much love for me when my life here is over. Maybe we all can take a lesson on her kindness and non- judgemental love she had for you. The world needs more people like that. We all lose when people like that leave this earth. Thanks for sharing this with us I am so sorry for your loss but i think she is still with you

  • jgnat

    Your grandma is beautiful, Viv.

  • mouthy

    ((((((((((((((Viv))))))))) My deepest sympathy. She made the grade!!!! Has no more suffering....

    If any of my grand children could write about me like that when I have gone.I think it would be a tribute to my life. God be with you & keep your good memories close at hand during this walk in the valley..

    Grace( Not sister grace) but your sister non the less XXX

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