Stupid drunk drivers......

by Jesus Christ 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF
    Drunk driving is so preventable.

    Short of imprisonment, no it isn't. Taking away licenses doesn't stop them. Taking away vehicles doesn't stop them. Levying heavy fines doesn't stop them. Putting them on probation and stopping by their houses randomly to check their breath and refrigerator doesn't stop them.

    Drunk drivers generally have children to support, and often they're single parents, which makes incarceration a difficult choice, because then the state is faced with making arrangements to care for the family.

    There are no easy solutions, but the best one in my opinion is the one that worked for me: court-ordered residential treatment center. "Residential" meaning, I lived there for five months.

    Again, not every drunk is in a position to make this easy. I was a single parent, but my family was pretty much grown by the time I got myself into that mess. I don't believe I ever would have recovered without the teaching and counseling I got in that treatment center. When I left the hospital after the car wreck I caused with my drunkenness, I stopped by the liquor store on the way home. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to.

  • Jesika

    Glad you are ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LB

    Drunk drivers need to be in jail regardless of circumstances. They need to pay the price for being a stupid idiot. One step above a child molestor in my book.

  • TresHappy

    Drunk driving is preventable in the sense that people make a choice to drink or not. I have a loved one who becomes a really horrible jerk when they drink. Plus this person drives while drinking, although has never been caught by the legal authorities. They need to stay from it totally..actually this person needs to be in rehab, although they won't admit it to themselves. Living with a drunk takes its toll on the family and all relationships. That's why groups like AA are wonderful for support, but if the person won't go and think they can do it alone is just blowing smoke.

  • butalbee

    I'm with LB on this one.

    I hope ya okay, though.

  • jack2

    My father-in-law was killed by a drunk driver, so obviously, my wife and I are very sensitive to this issue. I'm glad to see people posting on this thread are speaking very strongly against drunk driving.

  • COMF

    I'm against drunk driving. I'm against drunkenness, period. But I know the reality from the other side, too. If we're talking about somebody who lives a typical life and occasionally goes out drinking and dancing on a Saturday night, and who had too much to drink but didn't want to hassle with calling a cab and then having to come back to the club the next day to get the vehicle... yeah, that's a bad judgment call, but one that normal people make all the time.

    Drunk drivers need to be in jail regardless of circumstances. They need to pay the price for being a stupid idiot. One step above a child molestor in my book.

    LB, I don't know you and your recreational habits for jack, but just based on the fact that you wear that hat, I'd venture to say that at some time or other you've driven home from a dance or a friend's weekend barbecue and football game party with enough alcohol in you to be considered legally intoxicated. If so, then the only difference between you and the people you're talking about is, you didn't have a wreck that particular time. If my comments don't apply to you, they certainly do to your next door neighbor or the guy down the street.

    My remarks in the previous post were about alcoholics, not weekend partiers who let it get out of hand. I'm certain you don't want to hear it, because it's more satisfying to just be mad and rail about punishment, but the fact is that alcoholics are in the grip of something they can't control without help. They are struggling in the grip of a life-destroying problem and at the same time trying to maintain some semblance of a normal life. They are driven to drink constantly, but they also are trying to work a job, raise kids, maintain a marriage, and so on. Yeah, usually it's all a horrible mess, but they're trying to keep it up anyway; what else are they going to do (before they get help)? So they drive. To work, home from work, to the grocery store, to take the kids to soccer practice, and so on. And they do it while drunk, because most of the time they're drunk.

    I must have driven tens of thousands of times while legally drunk, before I had that car wreck. If you wanted to punish me enough to cover every time I drove drunk (it's the driving that's wrong, not the having of the wreck, right?) then you'd need to give me the death penalty, because life in prison couldn't cover it all.

    So, what's better, LB... that I be languishing in prison for the rest of my life? Or that I be put through a treatment center, given time to dry out and adjust physically, taught lessons in life and responsibility and adulthood, and then put back into society as a responsible, functional part of it?

  • TresHappy

    I will admit I drove home drunk a time or two when I was a dumb teenager. But after being hit by a drunk driver nearly 20 years ago, I became very sensitive on this subject. Two weeks ago a Dallas cop was handling traffic when a drunk drove into him and killed him instantly. Now that fellow is facing a potential 20-year sentence for intoxication manslaughter. How about the 4 teenage girls in Brock, Texas that were on their way to return a video when they were all killed? That guy plea bargained and got a 5-year sentence. The list is endless.

  • LB

    LB, I don't know you and your recreational habits for jack, but just based on the fact that you wear that hat, I'd venture to say that at some time or other you've driven home from a dance or a friend's weekend barbecue and football game party with enough alcohol in you to be considered legally intoxicated.

    Well Comf not all us hat wearers are drunks, sorry to dissapoint. I have not been drunk for more than 30 years at least. I have not driven a car with any alcohal in my system.

    Comf I've lost loved ones to drunk drivers. Do I want you to be placed in prison or treatment if you drive drunk? I want you in prison. Get all the treatment you need there.

  • COMF
    sorry to dissapoint.

    You seem to be misunderstanding my position, LB. Be that as it may; I understand your feelings.

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