by Mary 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    As most of you probably know, there were 200 refugees from Haiti that made it to US soil earlier today. However, it seems that these people will most likely be forced to go back to Haiti. I was stunned. I thought the rule was if you made it to shore, you could stay, but I guess that only applies to Cubans.

    I feel bad for these people. Haiti is obviously a horrid place to live or these people would not risk their lives to come to live in Freedom. On the other hand, we in North America can't possibly house everyone who has a crappy existence.

    Do you think these people should be allowed to remain in the US?

  • WildHorses

    "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

    I think we need to live up to this. After all, the USA is made up of people from all countries. If the Indians had been like the "white" nation, we ourselves would not be here, and not have the freedom we all share today.

  • Francois

    No. We are living in dangerous times with our borders wide open. In South Florida, where most Haitians live, without educations, without jobs, they make a living by throwing themselves in front of city buses and cars and then sue and settle out of court. They're playing the system big time. Also, when they get automobiles they are virtually given driver's licenses and they drive like they were in bumper cars at the fair. They scare the bejesus out of every one.

    And for many other reasons, I say NO.


  • ashitaka


    I grew up in Trenton with a large Hatian pop. They cannot drive to save their lives. One of them explained it to me once...they have no driving rules in Haiti....they drive through gas stations at 60 to miss lights, etc.

    We have enough to worry about without worrying about taking care of MORE people from other countries.


  • Bendrr

    If one wants to immigrate to the United States, there are laws that state how it should be done and those laws must be followed. Last time I checked, those laws don't include sneaking in on a boat.

    They need to go back home and try again the legal way.


  • out4good3

    Very interesting thread......

    Just curious to know if any one of you "send them backers" felt the same way when little Elian washed ashore from Cuba ???

  • LB

    Well I actually wanted Elian to go back with his father for one. It seemed reasonable.

    Times have changed. We can't have open borders. You think we can afford to feed everyone? Taxes are tough enough. Sorry, send them back. We can't do it any longer.

  • D8TA


    Oh no...iz da poor wittle brown and black people threatning your fragile tax system? Are they threatning to take your pathetic jobs? Are they running across your backyard ruining your crappy ass unmowed lawn? Are they breaking your traffic laws? Are they going outside the normal immigration system? Poor bastards.

    Ever put yourself in a Cuban's shoes? Haitians shoes maybe? Did you see the families & old people jumping off that boat? Think they come here purposely to exploit the system?

    Ignorant dickweeds. I deem you all UNWORTHY to even educate your IGNORANT asses on how the immigration system works.

    Let's start with:


    If one wants to immigrate to the United States, there are laws that state how it should be done and those laws must be followed. Last time I checked, those laws don't include sneaking in on a boat.

    They need to go back home and try again the legal way.

    Okay dickhead, please explain the method of how Haitians are to get their Visas via NOT U.S. method, but by there own country? Meaning, there's a 2 way street on this moron. You explain it, please....oh please! EXPLAIN how it works. Bet your ignorant ass doesn't even know, does it. You research it, and come back here and tell everyone how it REALLY works. Tell everybody here why these people ( here is a HINT for you dunce ) FLEE FLEE FLEE their country and come to the U.S.

    Now we go to the "They cant even drive" idiots:

    This is the best of your argument? Fuck you. Waste of time. This is as far as I will even acknowledge it.

    Now we go to the "They are exploiting the system" dorks:

    Uh yah. And please, who DOESN'T exploit the system in your silly little capitalist society? I dont give a crap on the moral rights or wrongs of this discussion, or who follows the rules bullshit. So save your breath, or typing fingers. Yep, there are people who come to this country to exploit it....just like you are doing now, in one form or another. Bet if you did some research to see how many LEGITIMATE citizens compared to Cuban/Haitian/etc. immigrants are clogging up the legal system with b.s., your argument goes down the drain there.

    Frankly, I trade all of you Send Them Backers for about 30 boat loads of Haitians, 20 boatloads of Cubans, 400 over the boarder running Mexicans, and 75 Brazilians Airplanes.


    You figure it out.

    Hope one day your entire family gets sick and are starving....and whether it's within or against the law that you would DO ANYTHING to see they have a better life,food, and medicine. Then when your chance comes, there are those out there who will DENY the services or country you need to go to.

    And screw this "we cant have open boarders" arguement. Pathetic losers....terrorists already won their battle with people like you.



  • Mulan

    Jay............settle down.

    I have some friends, one from Cuba and one from PR, who live down there. They said the news hype was all misleading about Elian. The Cuban community wanted Elian to go back to Cuba, and to be with his father. Why it got all twisted is anyone's guess.

    I think they should send them back. There are likely not enough jobs to go around for them, and the welfare system will explode if they take them on. Some of those countries unload their jails and put them on boats to send them to America. I don't think we need that.

    Maybe Venice could find them jobs, eh kid?

    Edited by - mulan on 29 October 2002 23:3:39

  • TR



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