Band Green Day and JWs

by hardtobeme 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • hardtobeme

    A few years ago I heard of a story about two jw's being at a Green Day concert. I think that the witnesses were bethelites. The person that told me that story said that the band was about to play but they couldn't. Then the band had to make an announcement: "Is there any Jehovah's witnesses here?". The two bothers stood up. Then they continue to say:"We cannot start playing until those two are gone". And they had to leave the concert.

    The person told me:" You see, Green Day is a satanic band. You shouldn't listen to them".

    Have you heard this story? Did it really happened? Or someone made it up?

  • konceptual99

    Made up.

    Just like the same made up stories about John Denver.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    It was John Denver on the Tonight show and Johnny Carson defended the JW's because he had one on his television crew. That went around in the 80's along with Harry Belafonte (or Don Ho, depending on which rumor you heard) who did the same show stopping eviction. Its all JW self importance persecution complex. Telephone, tell a witness.... ugh. Tella a story.
  • freemindfade

    Heard that about:

    John Denver

    Pearl Jam

    Green Day

    Gloria Estafan

    and on and on and on

  • Absalom
    I saw Green Day, and Pearl Jam perform while I was at bethel. I guess Satan was not aware of my presence that night.
  • Splash

    The story is true. Green Day went on to write an album about the JW's.

    It started when an elder called on Billie Joe at home, prompting "American Idiot"
    Then he heard about all of the failed prophecies - "Boulevard of broken dreams".
    He read Fred Franz Bible chronology - "Wake me up when September ends".
    Finally saw some trolley witnesses - "Jesus of Suburbia".

    Prior to all this it's rumoured that Greenday met Stephen Lett - "Basket case".

  • oppostate

    The Snopes web site has a good run down on this urban legend.

    It's amazing how rumors spread and how many stars' names and ethnicities or groups are substituted, proving that there's little credence to it.

    One pioneer in the congregation, now elderly and still pioneering, has been spreading this rumor for over thirty years, sometimes she adds a few embellishments that contradict her story and when you remind her of what she said before she gets really serious and says "Well, that's the way I've heard it happened!"

  • flipper
    I heard the rumor back in the day that the band Earth, Wind, and Fire did a similar thing asking any JW's to leave the audience because they couldn't communicate with their " God's " or " spirits " to get the right influence on their music playing. There's no telling how out of hand all these rumors get- JW's are the most gossip filled rumor mongering people I've known in my life. They'd throw their own parents under the table for good, juicy gossip. Oh wait- that already happens all the time. LOL
  • Finkelstein

    Kind of self evident of bullshit story telling you hear coming out of JWS mouths from time to time.

    Some of these stories are created to reconfirm that JWS are identifiably god's chosen ones against Satan's old system of things.

    Persecution complex is another item that JWS subconsciously hold within themselves, established by the WTS indoctrination process.

    Which in reality kind of a oxymoron for who is telling the lies ?

  • Finkelstein

    Remember JWS are perceived to be special agents representing Jah , so they should stand out among the general Satan influenced public.

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