Will You Celebrate Halloween This Year?

by minimus 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    No- I dont celebrate- This is the day that Rutherford /Russell died ( cant remember who)???/

    But there is so much heart ache at this time here!! I dont know about in your land.We have kids run over- razor blades in apples.- some candies had a drugs in them- I still believe "Know it by its fruits" the fruits to me at this time dont seem good/ I bet a lot of kids get sick from too many sweets also.....Could be a bit of the WT still in my thinking- but I think they were right on this one......

    my 2 cents

  • minimus

    I suggest that you get your favorite scary masks on. Before you know it, Thursday will be here! I heard some apostates are dressing up like old men and posing as Governing Body members.The trouble is nobody knows what they look like.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    We let our daughter attend her first birthday party this past weekend. Everything went well and she had a grand time. But I don't think I'm ready to jump in on Halloween yet. It felt odd enough dealing with the birthday issue. On another level, I still consider myself to be a Christian and at this point in time I'm finding it hard to reconcile Halloween with Christianity. It's funny, but deciding to quit being a Witness is beginning to mean, at least for me, re-examining what I truly believe and not relying on someone else's opinion to guide me. Self-determination. What an odd feeling.

  • onacruse


  • COMF

    Last year: Pumpkin Toss...

    That's Poor Yorick in the tray. Alas, I knew him well...

  • Prisca

    Halloween isn't as big in Australia as it is in the US. I've never celebrated it and I don't see the need to - it's just a commercialised ritual designed to make money for the big companies.

  • COMF
    it's just a commercialised ritual designed to make money for the big companies.

    Yeah, if you let it be, that's what it is. What pisses me off is, the stores already have Christmas stuff out and Halloween hasn't even passed. I remember when the Christmas stuff didn't come out til Thanksgiving.

    So, Prisca, hon, what you have to do is wrest the celebration out of the hands of the money-grubbers and turn it into your own celebration. For Sirona and the pagans, it's Samhain. For me, there's no special significance because there are no spirits evil, good or benign; but I enjoy a party and this is as good a reason as any. It's a celebration of life in the face of our mortality. It's dancing instead of watching. It's taking part instead of sitting out. It's living life while you can, and enjoying the moment.

    Well, I don't need no priest
    But I love all of the people, yes, I share the feast
    Drink up the wine
    Yes, and the song in my bones

    - Mark Knopfler, "Follow Me Home"

  • Prisca

    I know what you're saying COMF, but Halloween just doesn't have any meaning to me. For one thing, I was raised a JW, so the celebration of it is a foreign concept. Also, as I said, it just isn't as big over here as it is in the States, in fact, it's seen as an American invention so that only hampers the acceptance of the thing.

    If people want to do it, then that's fine with me. I realise now it's important to have family rituals and celebrations, or just partying for the sake of it. Life is to be lived, eh?

    BTW, your friend in the pic looks nice. Is she your new companion?

  • COMF

    She was until recently. She's a darlin', too, a one-of-a-kind. I broke it off with her. Now I'm trying to get her to answer my emails.

  • Prisca

    (((COMF))) Sorry to hear it. I suggest sending her some roses. Roses always make me swoon.

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