Witnesses ForJesus Convention!!!

by mouthy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Lyineyes ...Thanks for those kind words -I think DJ will join with me in saying It isnt US doing the kind things -or right words it is CHRIST in us....... When I asked Jesus to come into my heart-To be MY LORD & savior -I reall did become a new creation( now remember I am not finished yet) But He is working on me.......

    Roy??? what is my shame- For not waking you?????WINK,WINK>>>>>>..OH!

    Sorry for getting your name wrong Borgfree.....Put it down to old age.

    Sunstarr!!!!!!!!Well I dont have to tell you how much I love you- Your an answer-just as Job had. I lost an Allan I gained an Allan-YOU Thank You LORD.....

    Lyineyes. ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))

    Room (((((((hugs)))))

  • Joyzabel


    It was wonderful to finaly meet you.

    Tom, you did a great job on your "talk". I love happy endings and yours was the best ;-).

    It was great to meet everyone else: Flower, b_ster, DocBob, borgfree, sunstarr, gypsywildone, NeoMadMan, Brymichmom and FreeFallin. (hope I didn't miss anyone, you know my short term memory loss)



    ps, I'm still not home yet. Was all day at different airports because I kept getting bumped. My day started at 5 am at the Allentown, PA airport and I wasn't able to get home, so I had to fly into the city I work and got in about midnight last night! Oh what an adventure.

  • DJ
    Lyineyes ...Thanks for those kind words -I think DJ will join with me in saying It isnt US doing the kind things -or right words it is CHRIST in us.......


    That's for sure! I think that it's one of the most beautiful things about being a Christian. It is not about US or the things WE may do........but it is about HIM and the things that HE does through us. I've always been so in awe of that. Taking no credit feels so good after being so self-righteous before!! I'm just amazed at his Grace...!! I could go on and on and on about his love, it just so incredible....what a difference in my life! Love to you both (((((Grace))))))) and (((((((Dede))))))))))) In Christ, Dj

  • borgfree


    I don't remember if I got your permission to post your picture. I couldn't e-mail you, so would you mind letting me know if it is alright to post your picture? Thanks,


  • mouthy

    If anyone has a picture of Grace Gough ( Mouthy) with her mouth CLOSED would you be so kind as to post it. PLEASE!!!!!!

  • mouthy

    Borgfree.gypsy said yes if she looks good so yes put it on She looks good

  • borgfree

    Thanks Grace. BTW, I was going to make a wise crack about your post, above, but I didn't. That uses up two credits, you now have eight left.


  • mouthy

    Eight credits left!!!!!Hmmmmm!!! thinking ! thinking!Maybe I'll think of something nice to say!!!

  • mouthy

    I just re read all this & want some of the oldtimers to return

    If you out there COME On IN PLEASE!

  • slimboyfat

    Where will there be an Atheists for Jehovah convention I wonder?

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