by wildfire 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ballistic

    Wildfire, these things take time. Sounds like no consolation, but when you look back, you will appreciate this. We have all been through the same thing. And many wish we could go back and start again.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Nice poem Wildfire.... Welcome to the board... stay tuned, and your baby steps will turn into leaps and bounds.

  • LeslieV

    Welcome to the board. It takes alot of courage to begin to post. Take it slow, allow others in, take the time to heal. I also was married to someone who still partakes of the emblems. That in itself has its own dynamics. Welcome and keep coming back.


  • wildfire

    to LESLIE V,,,,,, OMG YOU WERE ALSO BLESSED WITH BEING MARRIED TO ONE OF THE HOLY OF HOLIER THAN THOU ANNOINTED ONE YOU MUST TELL ME MORE ABOUT IT ,,,, WE NEED TO COMPARE NOTES....... MY HUSBAND was of native american descent so i think he thought god needed an indian to bring to heaven their special needs,,,, believe me when he was in good standing all the Indian stuff was demonized but heck now he is a chief or something in his old Sioux tribe in SDak...... i heard he was like a Medicine Man with magical powers ...... all i know is he is magical he disappeared for years and didn't pay a lick of child support for his 3 kids..... just felt like venting hay this is fun ,,,, almost like therapy

  • rocky220

    (((((((((((Welcome Wildfire))))))))))), the first step towards healing is reaching out!!!! We are here for you!!.....................rocky 220

  • Beans
  • ConnieLynn

    Welcome to the board Wildfire. This is a wonderful place to heal and vent and ask questions! (((wildfire)))


  • wildfire

    HEY THERE YOU THIRSTY ONES,,,,,, OH NO it just popped into my mind--controlled head ,,,, can you believe it ,,, this past weekend was the very first circuit assemblythat i didn't go to since i was baptized in 1974..... you just CAN NOT IMAGINE WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE,,,,,,,, my daughter who is in the trooof went and she was not very happy with me ,,, ican imagine all the "friends" nosily wondering where i was hahahahaha .... let them wonder,,, we have a pioneer sister who is seriously disturbed ... she has a stuffed dog with casters on its feet so she can walk it around the block... (and the freakin worldly people know about it and shake their heads.... ) sodoes that give you an idea of what part of a nutty congregation i am involved with..... i could tell you more stuff... it just cracks me up ... and they think i have lost MY MIND.............UMMMMMM NNNNOOOOO I DONT THINK SO AHHAHHHAHAH

  • mamashel


    Welcome! Welcome! Baby steps are a good thing. You have to take baby steps to learn how to walk. I you just started running with what information you are learning, you would never really come to a full understanding of it. You will be just fine. Reasure yourself every day and tell yourself everyday that you are doing the right thing. I was still attending meetings when i was starting to disect the information, and i finally got to a point that i couldnt even sit through a meeting anymore because it made me sick. One day at a time is all you can work with, and like i said before, tell yourself you are doing the right thing. It takes time to reprogram. I'll keep you in my prayers. It will be allright. You are among many people who will help you get through this. We've all been where you are right now.


  • Gerard

    Read Raymond Franz's books!!!: http://www.freeminds.org/sales/books.htm#crisis

    "It's not about answering the questions, it's about questioning the answers."

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