Bash the Catholics here.

by JG 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • JG

    Reading one of the other threads got me thinking. What is the root of anti-catholic sentiment. I was raised a Catholic, still Catholic, and have never heard a good reason why some people dislike Catholicism. My wife is anti-Catholic and I just don't get it.

    Anyway I respect the posters here for their grasp of reality, knowledge of the Bible. What do you think is unchristian, unbiblical, and bad about the Catholic Church. I will try to bounce in and out and check responses and reply to those I can.

    pro and con let me hear it and have fun, No need to get personal.

    Step Right Up and Smack a Cat-Lick Here.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Maybe one reason is the Spanish Inquisition....... No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!

    After visiting Rome, I couldn't help but be impressed with the Catholic Church, after all those years of irrationally hating them while a JW. The churches there are just great!!! I especially liked the one with the attached indoor "cemetary" where they have built furniture out of the bones of the dead monks of the order (Cappucines I think?). Now if thats not a cool religion I dunno what is. They made angel wings out of the shoulder blades!!! And table legs from femur bones! Kewl! My kids thought it was GREAT!!

    My mother (fanatical Jedi JW class) still says " the rotten old Pope"...whenever the Pope is mentioned. (not me, the other one).


  • FiveShadows

    Catholics Excommunicate not Disfellowshiped...same thing though.

  • WildHorses


    I typed in ex catholics, and came up with this link.

    There are ex's everywhere. lol

  • JG

    Grand point, I forgot that on Cult, I thought cults where high control groups that are semi-secretive rip off thier members etc etc. Why?

    Jim, Without the spanish inquisitiuon we wouldn't have had THE best Monty Pyton episiode ever. J/K Actually I think past sins would be the best argument against as the church has been involved in some absolute garbage over the last 2000 years.

  • JG

    ""After visiting Rome, I couldn't help but be impressed with the Catholic Church, after all those years of irrationally hating them while a JW. The churches there are just great!!! I especially liked the one with the attached indoor "cemetary" where they have built furniture out of the bones of the dead monks of the order (Cappucines I think?). Now if thats not a cool religion I dunno what is. They made angel wings out of the shoulder blades!!! And table legs from femur bones! Kewl! My kids thought it was GREAT""

    OMG are you serious!!! That is friggen disgusting, Ewwwwww. Who in their right mind would think of that Hannibal maybe.

  • JG

    I have to have a sense of Humor I tried to reason with JW'S. hehehee After that I just realized that they look at you and wait for you mouth to quit moving and then go on with what they want to say. I swear I could slip in anything and they wouldn't notice.

  • PopeOfEruke

    JG, I will try to find a website about the church I described. The "purpose" of the display was to show that "physical" death is nothing to be feared because of the resurrection hope.

    And the final room has a little sign that reads:

    "We were once what you are now...Soon you will be what we are now..."

    It was really really interesting!


  • JG


    I'm familiar with that site, my wife burnt through an ink cartridge printing stuff off of there. Most of it is flawed in one way or another. Still have some to go through.

    Now I know what it is like when I brought stuff home for her,. LOL


  • JG

    Your Emminence,

    Still it's a little out there. My sis went to Rome in high school, met Mother Teresa, Some how she missed that little gem. I was jealous, She had a great time and all I got was a bunch a pictures and brandy filled chocolates, could've been worse the Chocolates were really cool when your 13.


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