Hillary Step

by JT 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    I will from now on keep my summations long, drawn out, boring, without humor and chuck full of big words.

    Good! Very good!

    Sorry for all the smilies, I've gotten used to the plethora of icons at that "other" place and can't seem to help myself!


  • MrMoe

    People come... and people go. People agree and disagree. There is a point in every person's life where we feel we stay put or move on. In the end, it is the gift of personal choice, the greatest gift of all, that spawns us to become what it is that we want to be.

    Regardless if that is on the board on the itnernet, or in our daily lives. I wish HS the very best, and I know he will do what is right for him. If he chooses to stay or go, either way he is doing what fits him and not the needs of others.

    The sad part is, as wonderful as this forum is, and as healing as it can be, there are times it an be evil. There are times that the very persons here that touch our lives in a positive way can become the very ones who touch our lives and cause bitter pain.

    Perhaps it is just an online forum. But perhaps it is something more. It would be nice for the fighting to end, to stop, but it never will, as we are all in different stages of our life.

    Hillary, from me to you I offer a hug and a handshake. You have been an asset in the lives of many, and I am sure, regardless of if it is here or elsewhere, you will contiune to be a positive support in the lives that you continue to touch. The same goes to Bill and his family.

    Paths cross, sometimes they go the same way, and sometimes they do not. In the very end, it is our personal path that we must choose to follow.

    Much Love,


    Edited by - MrMoe on 8 October 2002 20:53:22

  • seven006

    <<<Sorry for all the smilies, I've gotten used to the plethora of icons at that "other" place and can't seem to help myself!>>>

    No reason to apologize. Little smiley face icons are a chick thing, its like buying greeting cards, it's in your blood.


  • notperfectyet


    Maybe if you had more smiley faces and bought more greeting cards,

    You'd have a chic.

  • IslandWoman


    Little smiley face icons are a chick thing, its like buying greeting cards, it's in your blood.

    This Sir, is a declaration of war! I am not now nor have I ever been a "chick". Furthermore, the contents of my "blood" are as unknown to you as they are to myself. Do not confuse me with the stereotyping you have evidently been taught. I am me and no one else.

    (good grief, you try to speak to a guy and all you get is "chick" thinking!)


  • MrMoe

    IW -- Here is a bandaid... no make that duct tape. People like you should be shoved in boxes on an island far away from the rest of the world, because you only bring people down. Get off your highhorse and humble yourself. You are too damned bitter, hateful and cruel to be classfied as a woman.

  • Reborn2002

    People come... and people go. People agree and disagree. There is a point in every person's life where we feel we stay put or move on. In the end, it is the gift of personal choice, the greatest gift of all, that spawns us to become what it is that we want to be.

    Regardless if that is on the board on the itnernet, or in our daily lives. I wish HS the very best, and I know he will do what is right for him. If he chooses to stay or go, either way he is doing what fits him and not the needs of others.

    The sad part is, as wonderful as this forum is, and as healing as it can be, there are times it an be evil. There are times that the very persons here that touch our lives in a positive way can become the very ones who touch our lives and cause bitter pain.

    Perhaps it is just an online forum. But perhaps it is something more. It would be nice for the fighting to end, to stop, but it never will, as we are all in different stages of our life.

    Hillary, from me to you I offer a hug and a handshake. You have been an asset in the lives of many, and I am sure, regardless of if it is here or elsewhere, you will contiune to be a positive support in the lives that you continue to touch. The same goes to Bill and his family.

    Paths cross, sometimes they go the same way, and sometimes they do not. In the very end, it is our personal path that we must choose to follow.

    Much Love,



    That was an amazing post. People here need to stop for a moment and reread that, and soak in the words.

    Good to see you.

    All the best.


    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 8 October 2002 21:26:42

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I use little smiley face icons. Mine's bigger than yours . . . .

  • IslandWoman


    You have a right to your opinion and the right to express that opinion. If your intent was to strike back for something I have said directly to you in the past then it is well merited, if though it is for others reasons then I leave it to time to set the record straight.

    If I have offended you personally I apologize.


  • seven006


    I thought the chick statement would ruffle your feathers. You are so easy. Hey, have a coke and a smile and don't take what I say so serious, I don't. If you want to beat me up, I've got a few hours open on Thursday. I keep Thursdays open for getting my ass kicked. I am so damn organized.


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