spiritual conversation with an elder yesterday

by ugg 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ugg

    we have had posts on how we are responsible for our own actions,,,and CANNOT blame the organization for everything!!! well,,,here goes,,,
    no matter how correct that assumption is,,,,I SIMPLY DO NOT FEEL LIKE

    I BLAME THEM FOR 99.9% for

    EVERY THING....jjirzo,,,yes,,i agree,,,
    it has been a major source of pain...i am not angry at the people,,just
    all of the doctrine..

    i used to look at my mother in law and hope she would die so she could
    be in the new system!! HOW SICK IS THAT??? lets hope people die so we
    can be with them>> death is good,,,because it is one less person for
    god to kill???? SHUDDER!!! i BELIEVED THAT one time...

    well,,,you all understand,,,i know you do,,,you also know i could just
    go on and on and on...i need a drink....Hubby made it home from the
    talk,,,but then the phone rang,,,you know.."meeting set up at the hall
    tonight for 7...some poor teenager is probably in trouble up to his ass!

    i could not listen to another local needs if they paid me a million
    dollars....i remember a young sister crying during one,,,god how awful..

    oh my,,,rant and rave,,,I AM UP SET,,,,DOES IT SHOW??????? HAHAHHA
    YEAH,,i am feeling a bit better...just an intense day,,it will pass.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan


    Do you have any ideas on what may help your situation?


  • JT

    I'm surprised that he still is an elder, because technically he is not as the scripture says in 1 Tim 3:4 " A man presiding over his own househld in a fine manner"

    No disrespect to you, thats an important point for elders. How can he give counsel to a family about these same issues if his homelife is divided.


    excellent point, i wonder if his anger is directed at the fact that he percieves that his wife is making him look BAD.

    from the tone in her post i can see that happening, i know of elders who would get pissed if their wife missed one meetig let alone a whole year.

    he feels that at anytime they will ask for his strips and all he needs it the right CO and he loses his strips.


    for you UGG

    hang in there, we are here as support, we understand the need to vent that is why we are hear


  • out4good3

    I'm acutely aware of a couple in a situation much like the one you fine yourself in. This particular "elder's wife" kept the secret of her very popular husband's abusive home nature for years. Finally,a situation developed where she bypassed the congregation elders and wrote a letter directly to the WT. Only then, did the WT come down and supposedly clean up that congregation. If I remember right all the elders except one was removed. And the WT uncovered years of deceit by that elder body.

    This lady finds herself in very much the same situation you find yourself in; never having developed any skills to support herself, totally supported by her husband who refused to let her work and kept her at home by keeping her pregnant.

    I suggest you point out to your husband the hipocrisy of the double life he's leading. Playing the "fine shepherd" at the kingdom hall and totally disrespecting you, his wife, by speaking of you negatively as being violently mentally ill to curry brownie points and gain sympathy as the still believing mate. Point out how he's circumventing the very rules he supposed to believe so strongly in by not "presiding over his house in a fine matter" to hold on to his authority and position of leadership instead of paying more attention to his household. Point out to him the hipocrisy he's demonstrating to you by employing this double standard to his benefit. Then link it to the double standard of the WT association with the UN. Ask him would it be OK if a "up and coming being groomed for servant brother" rationalized that he could join the boy scouts to learn how to pitch a tent, or start a fire as long as he can rationalize that he didn't salute a flag or wear a patch. Ask him how long it would take for said brother to be marked as unfit for association.

    JW's have learned from their master the WTBS how to play hard and fast with their own rules to justify about anything that comes along.

  • Joyzabel


  • onacruse


    You have come so far in the last few months...and you've been a great help to me, whether you know it or not.

    Hang in there, dear lady!


    PS: I've missed you in chat. You are a hoot!

  • ugg

    very good points,,out4good,,,,thank you very much,,,,i get so frustrated some times i just want to

    shred them all to pieces...i am feeling alot better,,,god,,,knows i vented enough today,,,it just all

    seems so sick,,,,

    Padulan.....nothing real specific,,,but i talk alot in therapy,,and i have been trying to just be a "good"

    wife,,,with out the witness part,,,it is not bad,,,i just CANNOT deal with spiritual things at all...

    hi onacruse!!! thank you so much for your kind words...yeah,,have not been in chat lately...working

    hard (10-6a),,,( school and holiday time now),,,,not suppose to use the computer until after 10p,,,so

    just haven't bothered at all with chat lately...(((((( ona and mrs. ona))))))

  • Mac


    Sorry to hear your day is not going well. Keep yer chin up, sweetie!


  • bikerchic


    I'm so sorry this has been such a bad day for you, and as you said this too shall pass. You have made a lot of incredible changes ugg, please don't be too hard on yourself You already know how little you can expect from hubby, just hang in there and be a good wife forget all the b'orgdom crap, put it out of you mind and formulate a plan for your future. Work on seriously making a better future for yourself and all the rest will fall into place. Continue to do the things that make you a better stronger person so you can someday if need be independant, I'm proof that it can happen if you work hard enough.

    My email is always open if you want to talk. Craig and I do miss you in chat.

    bc aka: Mrs.Ona

  • Beck_Melbourne


    Girl....you just hang in there!!

    my hubby is abusive,,,but mentally not at all physically

    So was mine...and he neglected me the same way your husband is neglecting you. He was one of the staunchest JW elders in our congregation...and his mind was closed to EVERYTHING contrary to the society's teachings.

    My heart goes out to you...I know what it feels like to be with someone who is evidently brainwashed yet so blind to reason. I'm sorry you have to go through this. Email if you want to at [email protected]...from one oppressed elder's wife to another and I will share with you how I was rescued


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