JW's are #1

by BrotherFlanders 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • TTBoy

    You start out saying you (JWs) will stamp out apostates. Guess you haven't been to meetings lately because vengence is reserved only for Jehovah. Then you hypocracise yourself and say Jah will destroy us at Armogeddon. I can accept that if I go down you'll be right there with me because you are doing a no-no by using the "evil" internet and associating with apostates. You also openly say you are willing to commit arson, a crime, and you think you still have Jehovah's favor?

    If you personally want to physically harm apostates - lets set up a meeting and I'll let you take the first swing. Than I'll beat your ass to a bloody pulp. What do you think "pedophile supporter"? One associated with an organization who aligned themselves with "the scarlet colored wild beast" as a NGO of the UN for ten years?

    Braindead/brainwashed/brainless should be your name...not Ned.

    You need to pray more and be a better Christain before you are "destroyed at Armodeggon". I'm sure you're getting a big laugh out of all of this...wait! Look over your shoulder! There's an angel seeing your conduct and reporting it to Jehovah. Who's laughing now?


  • SYN

    Ned, do we know you?

  • bigfloppydog

    Well isn't this just a good show of christian love, and JW's teach love and kindness, just makes me want to pack my bible under my arm and race to the nearest KH. NOT!!!

    Don't we have enough judges in the world, seems we have another one.

  • imanaliento

    BEWARE, he who thinks he is standing does not fall.

  • Kenneson

    Since there is no 1 Cor. 17:28, maybe you got that burning command from the Koran?

  • ashitaka

    Someone's having fun with us, methinks.


  • pincushion
    We will stamp out all of you apostates and worldy people.

    That small statement in itself contradicts everything the Dubs are about. Witnessing and bringing others to your flock. I am sure Jehovah wouild lock you up and throw away the key if he seen you talking like that you bad little witness you.

  • Dismembered

    Hey BroFlanders

    your days here will be short. Now get!

  • Blueblades

    NED,JUDE 1:23 Snatch them out of the fire. You have your work cut out for you in this verse.Blueblades

  • dsgal

    Whoever you are,

    You sound just as hateful and unloving as the witnesses in my old congregation.Do you also back-bite, gossip and slander?

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