JW's are #1

by BrotherFlanders 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    You are not NED. You are a NED imposter!! The real Ned is sweet and forgiving.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    1 Cor. 17:28 ? Is this thread what people call trolling?

  • johnathanseagull

    Oooohhhh think Ned has done the "post a comment and run away run away" thing.........Come back Ned it's fun having you here LOL

  • sleepy

    I didn't know JW's had a single out.

  • avengers

    Trolling. Isn't that what you do behind a boat and see if you can catch something?

    Lots of fish here. Keep trolling.

    P.S. My daughters and their husbands are devoted JW's and their conduct is superb. This kind of poster is in my eyes the Apostate.

    He has already condemned himself by his conduct just like the leaders of the WT have done by their conduct.

    Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah Armageddon Jehovah .

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    .....devoted JW's and their conduct is superb.

    It might just be me - but I'm not sure I understand what that really means.

    Edited by - a paduan on 6 October 2002 6:41:53

  • Monster

    Ned, is some 15yr looking for attention or someone out to make the jws look worst than they already look (if that's possible)

    Peace James

  • Celia

    JWs are #1 what ???

    #1 liars, hypocrites, braindead, cruel, heartless....

    Maybe I should say : JW leadership is # 1.....when it comes to lying, etc...

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Hey Ned, you get more attention here than your local congregation. Put that in your love basket, oh, excuse me your 'hate' basket.

    Guest 77

  • MegaDude


    Don't you people have something better to do than eat troll bait.


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