by ScoobySnax 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Hi Scooby!

    Good to see you posting here more

    I would like to say that since the Lord opened my eyes, and caused me to experience what the Bible calls "being Born Again", I have been way more happy than I ever was as a JW.

    When I was a JW, I was constantly worried (at least in the back of my mind) that God would destroy me at Armageddon because I wasn't going to all the Meetings, or putting in "enough hours in Service."

    When I was younger, I was also somewhat worried about demons.

    Since the Lord saved me, I can't describe how much more love I have for EVERYONE.

    Being brainwashed and mind controlled for decades can cause people to be quite unhappy at first when they leave, because they may feel like they wasted decades of their lives.

    "You will know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you FREE" - Jesus Christ

  • Robdar


    Thanks for the advice. Now how about following it yourself? Try to lighten up dude/dudette.



  • ScoobySnax

    Well thanx L.B. for your best wishes quickly followed by your wish that I remain "clueless"....nice. And FootPrints, yes I continue to search, and even though I'm not the good JW conducting the odd Bible study as you say I should be, I still look and observe, rest assured. which sort of makes me return to the theme of the post.......Lighten Up!

  • Amazing

    Hi Scooby: I am happier than hell to not get on your ass.

  • ScoobySnax

    LOL Amazing.......nah, you never want to try that!!

  • LB

    So that's what you got out of my message Snax? You are an angry person. You've started this thread off attacking everyone, and then you manage to find fault with every answer. Keep searching my friend. There is happiness ahead if you really want there to be.

  • Prisca

    As a 3rd generation JW, leaving the JWs was not an easy thing to do, yet it is the best decision I ever made.

    I agree some on this board (and others) take themselves too seriously, and do not accept full or partial responsibility for decisions made whilst they were a JW. However, many here bear scars from their involvement as JWs, and this is a place to vent.

    It is also a place to laugh and smile, and I like to do that too!

  • ScoobySnax

    Thanx Prisca, nice reply. angry??, never. who's attacking who here, Inever mentioned attacking, surely we can agree to disagree!!! and what is that stetson hat thing all come on if I was that angry, I wouldn't be sitting here LMAO. smile L.B......there thats better!

  • freedom96

    I certainly without a doubt feel more happiness from the people who post here than I did in any Kingdom Hall.

    Life is not perfect, and there will be ups and downs, regardless of being a witness or not. But those here, have chosen to life a more fulfilled life, and found it outside the direction of the WTS.

    This is a place to write thought provoking questions, to have fun, to joke around, ponder, and ask and talk about serious things too.

    I thank Simon and those who make a site like this possible, where we can share experiences in life.

  • ScoobySnax

    OK Thats enough for tonight, my eyes have gone all funny peering at this screen for so long , where does time fly when your on this thing, maybe I need to get out a bit more on a Saturday night!.....time for bed, take care all you lightened up people.

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