Do Bill Bowen Have Editor For Letters?

by comforter 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter

    more bowen gemmies

    $$$It has been alleged that you have been committed [sic] apostasy, loose conduct, and causing divisions by eye witnesses who are Jehovahs [sic] Witnesses in good standing.$$$

    "committed" should be present participle and not a perfect participle. we foreigners learn this in engrish class. It should also be "Jehovah's" and not "Jehovahs." bowen could hire comforter as editor of his.


  • minimus

    the issue is that you should take a personna that is more intelligent it? Now i iz goin 4 a drinkypoo.

  • comforter


    it don't matter how comforter talk. nobody in this place is going to call bowen to account for his grammatical errors. who is he? the pope? he infallible?

  • kenpodragon

    Considering all that has been done, to express the many mistakes the society has made with grammer. It seems only fitting that any letters mailed to them, get the same treatment.

    My thought


    Edited by - kenpodragon on 5 October 2002 21:28:55

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Let's draw Bill over the coals then - better still, let's crucify him over our perception of a detail. Now that really is justice, eh comforter.

  • kenpodragon

    Better yet!!! Let's do on to others as we would have done on to us. Sorry, but that is the only thing I kept from Christianity.

    Take Care


  • comforter

    mister dragon

    the society is picky about grammar. it is "grammar" and not "grammer." and bad grammar not a matter of perception, pad. you should not use perfect participle where a present participle should go.

    just trying to help you opposers write good letters. we ferners learned these things in english as second language class.

  • StinkyPantz


    I will answer your question. The reason people point out that your grammar is bad is because you drastically changed your writing style after your first few posts. Here is your first post:

    At one time, this board seemed to be fair. But I no longer think that it is, to jws, at least. Ex-jws here can cuss, insult, say FU to everybody they don't like, and call jws pedophiles. Ex-jws can post fluff posts too and have multiple identities with no problem. Can jws do things like that among you people? No they cannot. You advocates of free speech need to check yourself. All you want is a place where you can carry on one long monologue. Too much negativity up in this place. I await the customary insults.

    And your second:

    Ex-jws in this place often berate the gerontological state of the governing body. The speak abusively about the oold men in Brooklyn. Why the antipathos against the men in Brooklyn? Why focus on the old age of the governing body and how hard it is for them to swallow food when criticizing them? Can you not separate the advanced age of the body from your criticisms of their doctrinal stance?

    Most cultures throughout human history have encouraged the young to show the utmost respect for their elders. The ageism that is manifested in this place is disgusting to comforter. You people contemplate what I am saying and mend your ways. You may criticize jw beliefs and practices. But you have no right to be anti-gerontological in ya orientation.

    Now inside these posts you'll find grammatical errors and spelling errors, but was anyone making fun of you then? No, because you actually attempted to make a point. Mr. Bowen also was trying to make a point in his letters. We all make errors in our spelling and sentence structure, but when a person does is deliberately such as yourself, he needs to be made fun of.
  • comforter


    comforter have reasons for breakdown in english. i aint being tutored no more. bowen should be called to account for two reasons. he supposed to be writing serious and professional letters to jw organization. he should take the tyme to make sure his reading be legible. don't he wanna communicate seriously with governing body?

    the second reason bowen should be called to account is for consistency. if wt made grammar errors like bowen, they would be plastered all over the board and people make a big deal about grammar. not with bowen. you people aint even volunteering to help him correct his errors. whut a shame.

  • comforter


    you ended a sentence wit a preposition.

    $$$We all make errors in our spelling and sentence structure, but when a person does is deliberately such as yourself, he needs to be made fun of.$$$

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