i have a question

by willy_think 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • agent2863

    JanH, check out TR's previous post & you'll see what i mean. Your right, it doesn't make sense. A person who doesn't believe in God, but when the subject comes up, they're ready to lay all the worlds trouble at his doorstep.

  • BadAssociate

    hi willy

    mady the idea is to accept all life has to offer and judge not.

    you know

    lately i been thinking exactly the same thing



  • BadAssociate

    one question though willy -

    this is a serious thing to me as my dad may be worshiping the SUN and not know it.

    who cares if your father is worshipping the sun?


  • willy_think

    i care, he can worshipp what, if anything he wants, but he needs to know his master. for his master surely knows him.

  • JanH


    I don't see any problem with logic in itself. The problem is when people will not accept the answers that logic dictates to them, because their are emotionally attached to what is illogical.

    Doubt requires not only the ability to think logical, it also requires courage. Faith is cowardice. Doubt is courage.

    - Jan
    "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen"
    -- Albert Einstein

  • willy_think

    i am glad to let you know that other people think like you on the "judge not" thing but it was not my idea. i think you will find if you look in the newtestament and read what chirst has to say, and put away the ideas that were put in to his words you may find that is one of his main teachings. my dad told me catholics were cannibals. is that taught by the WT? if it is how can thay say that the host is not made, human flesh? i can't get that one. ps he said if i don't agree with him (on just about everything) and stop reading books on "other" philosophies, that he will not talk with me any more! do you think he will? how can the WT justify this if it is true?

  • willy_think

    i couldn't agree more! 110% i only ment to say that a really clever guy can twist logic, that is all.
    i see,on TV, preachers name calling everyone who doesn't agree with them, i say to myself "is this guy teaching? or is he a propandist?" well i don't think he is fireing up the crowd to get them to think clearly. i think he is villianizing them. if the enemy is a physical one, it is easy to resist(like hitler or jews) but if the enemy is more abstract ilke following teachings like love everyone or judge not, it takes more self awarness and it is hard to say to yourself "i am a good man" the best i can do is "i try" but if someone was going to kill me or persecute me i think my faith would be stronger than steel. i would have some thing to resist! as it is it is hard to resit being angry at the wrongs done to me ( how can thay be even wrongs if i don't judge them) that is hard for me!!!

  • rabotnik

    Agent2863 wrote:

    "The true & living God can only be found in the Bible .... You will find Him, if you search with all your heart."

    Hmmm ... don't millions of people prayerfully read and study the bible and, yet, arrive at different conclusions as to what it says. Look at the vast number of different "Christian" religions, sects, cults -- each sincerely thinking they have the correct understanding and "God-connection." Look at how self-deceptive and self-delusional very religious bible readers can become -- the scribes and pharisees in Jesus's day and scandalous televangelists today.

    My take on the matter is that our ability to interpret our own experinces and the "realities" of the external world is incredible malleable, subject to suggestion, framed by experience, intellect, etc. So, it is wisdom to contantly challenge our beliefs. My current belief is that anyone who is "very religious" and thinks he/she has a "true" understanding of God -- is in reality worshiping their own ego. We see the world, not as it is -- but as we are. So, when you tell me you've found God or he's found you -- maybe your ego is doing a snow job on you.

    That is my belief -- but I'm constantly checkin' it out!


    "After all the great religions have been preached and expounded, man is still confronted with the Great Mystery." -- Chief Luther Standing Bear (I question this too! ....)

  • breeze

    Sorry Willy....

    I take back my comments....I got your 29 years right here.....I will not respnd to you again...aren't you glad....you are not worth the trouble...pearls before swine you know.....

    I thought you were a realistic critic.....as many times as I read this trash on this site, the representation is not real.........you are a brick short of a load....

    You really have nerve attacking me.....and my style.....

    Piss off.......


  • willy_think

    you can't take anything back. stop harrassing me.

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