i have a question

by willy_think 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • BadAssociate

    agent - what is it you're trying to say here?


  • Norm

    Hi agent2863,

    You keep telling me that God love us, and quote meaningless words from an old book. History and reality show us that whatever this alledged God is, he doesn't seem to have any interest in mankind whatsoever let alone love. I am afraid that for me reality will always have priority over your fantasies.

    You are of course entitled to keep on dreaming and fantasising.

    Good luck


  • TR


    God grabbed a taxi and hauled ass outta here long ago. If God dealt with humans in the past, he doesn't anymore.

    Hey, could you sit and watch a child being tortured and raped and do nothing about it? God does it every day.


  • oanai

    JanH, you said:

    The worst you can do, is to talk about "freemasonary" symbols. As far as I know, no such things exist.

    From what I've discovered, you are mostly correct regarding "freemasonry" symbols. True masons (those who use more than just the Bible) claim to have their own symbols that OTHER cultures adopted a VERY long time ago.

    Freemasons use all sorts of symbols from all cultures and religions; being very syncretistic. The "cross and crown" which many now claim are freemasonary symbols can be found on many 19th century religious books and magazines.

    That's probably because many of those books and magazines were published by freemasons. (Remember, we are talking about a 'secret society' here who do not believe in spouting their beliefs in open forums for others to absorb.)

    I have on good authority that this is not a symbol a freemason will normally be terribly familiar with.

    No, not normally. However true masons who are at the third degree or higher would recognize the symbols, as they are a very intricate part of their belief system.

  • agent2863

    Usually when people who don't believe in God, want to talk about God, they always want to look at the bad in the world and blame God for it. They never want to talk about the thousands upon thousands of people whose lives have been changed by the presence of Christ in their hearts. People saved from lives of drug use, crime, prostitutes, etc. or just ordinary people like me. Fantasies? I don't think so. The bible is old, sure, but even the Smitsonian Institute recognizes it as completely reliable & authentic in matters such as archeology, science, cultures,etc.. There are certain things that can't be authenticated by an institute. That's where faith comes in. But the fact that the bible is so reliable in these areas, gives creedence to the issues that can't be verified by science & archeology.

  • willy_think

    i know it is hard to think that god would let "bad" things happen but as i see (him her it) the difference is only perspective of the observer. good and bad are relative, but all the things that happen to us our just experiences. we bring the judgement with us. think of the man who killed all baby boys under the age of 2 in his kingdom. was that bad?? well what if he killed all people? is that bad? well if you think it is allways bad, than tell me about jericho were all the people save one whore were killed. was that bad? think of the 2 year old babys and all there familys. life, to me is about the experience of being alive, there is an old panting from china were 3 men are drinking vineghr from a big tub one man is repulsed, the other will not even drink after his frist sip, the 3rd is smiling, he is happy to taste this new and differnt expereinnce. mady the idea is to accept all life has to offer and judge not. if you guys think i should just shut up and go away i will but i think that if you want jesus in your life than ask him in. that is all that is need to become a charistian. he knows better than us our failings and loves us.

  • JanH
    Usually when people who don't believe in God, want to talk about God, they always want to look at the bad in the world and blame God for it.

    People who don't believe in God, don't blame God for anything. Isn't that pretty obvious? How can anyone write such a nonsensical sentence?

    - Jan
    "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen"
    -- Albert Einstein

  • willy_think

    janh, what do you mean by the einstein quote? are you by association claiming that our "common sense" should be replaced by your wisdom. " wisdom is the collection of prejudices acquired after the age of 18" - willy_think sorry i don't do well when being treated in a condesending manner

  • JanH
    janh, what do you mean by the einstein quote?

    Isn't that pretty obvious?

    are you by association claiming that our "common sense" should be replaced by your wisdom. "

    It's sad that religionists cannot but think in such primitive terms.

    What I mean, and what Einstein meant, was that popular ideas should not be excepted from critical enquiry.

    I think it was Ibsen who observed that once "everybody" accepts a conventional wisdom, it's probably wrong.

    I challenge my own ideas constantly, and I have them challenged by others. Therefor, they evolved as I aquire new knowledge.

    Logic and rational thought are the tools we have to deal with the world. If something is "my wisdom" it must be: use these tools.

    That is the opposite of revealed religion, which is frozen in past superstitions.

    willy_think sorry i don't do well when being treated in a condesending manner

    It's amazing you can be offended. Agent started this by attacking atheists, and in a particularly silly way, and I answered him.

    You should stick to facts and arguments.

    - Jan
    "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen"
    -- Albert Einstein

  • willy_think

    oh, i see what you are saying now, i that kind of thinking is good but the limits of ligic can let people hit you with a ligical deadend like the chicken and the egg question, to answer the question you need to know and agree on the nature of a chicken and an egg. if you try to apply logic to a concept beyond the ability of the minde to understand like eternity or god, we can be fooled by the linits of logic on those sublects, some have tryed to imply to me that if my logic fails- can god think of a thing he can't do.....- the problem is gods when, in my opinion, it is with the logic. i thought you were trying to dismiss all thoughts that you did not agree with off hand, when infact the opposit may be true. i agree with your ida but i don't think you are looking to make people agree with you but only to make them think. thanks for clarifying your thoughts on this.

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