WT PR Statement - silentlambs march

by silentlambs 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cygnus

    Hillary, thank you for your comments and explanations. Having never served as an elder and not ever have had dealt with such issues personally, I have to ask questions and I need specific answers. You've been a great help.

  • footprints


    Quote" If the Society or anyone else tries to cover up for a known, 100% guilty child molestor then they are reprehensible. "

    Sounds like you are kind of figuring out what thousands of victums around the world are saying.

    The victums know exactly by who and where the coverups happened and are continuing.

    No amount of new rules can undo the crimes done in the past but that doesn't mean the past criminals should get off scott-free. Past crimes must be addressed so that future predators will know there is no place to hide. Not even behind an organization.

    Individuals who shared in the coverups must be held accountable for the additional victums caused by the coverups

    Those of us not involved in the actual lawsuits can help the victums by being understanding, considerate, and supportive.

    I can see that you are trying to play the part of the "voice of reason" but you are actually doing is implying that a lot of victums are liers and that in some ways is just as bad as the original rape.

    I can understand the WT trying to protect themselves. If they admit their crimes they will pay hundreds of victums millions of dollars.

    I can even understand some of the predators trying to say that what the WT did was the right thing. When the covers are pulled some of them are going to jail. Especially if the Attorny General gets his hands on the Watchtower's records.

    I cannot imagine why someone who is not a member of the GB, and never participated in a coverup, would want to cause further hurt to the victums....

    Cygnus which axe are you trying to grind???

  • Swan
    If an accusation of child molestation is made against a member of a congregation, the elders immediately work to assure the safety of the victim and of other children.

    Yes, the two elders that are present when they make the victim confront their abuser are not trained in the very latest martial arts, have no education as social workers, and have no experience at law enforcement. But don't fear, they can assure the safety of the victim!

    Yeah, right!


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Statement an silentlambs march

    We respect a person's right to free expression. In fact, as Jehovah's Witnesses, we live by that principle every day of our lives.

    *** Watchtower 1969 March 15 p.171 What Influences Decisions in Your Life? ***
    12 The influence and spirit of this world is to get ahead, to make a name for oneself. Many schools now have student counselors who encourage one to pursue higher education after high school, to pursue a career with a future in this system of things. Do not be influenced by them. Do not let them "brainwash" you with the Devils propaganda to get ahead, to make something of yourself in this world. This world has very little time left! Any "future" this world offers is no future! Wisely, then, let Gods Word influence you in selecting a course that will result in your protection and blessing. Make pioneer service, the full-time ministry, with the possibility of Bethel or missionary service your goal. This is a life that offers an everlasting future!

    Our policy for handling child abuse is progressive, and strong, and it protects the congregation.

    *** Watchtower 1981 December 1 p.27 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter ***
    2 However, it may have seemed to some as though that path has not always gone straight forward. At times explanations given by Jehovah's visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as "tacking." By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds.

    If an accusation of child molestation is made against a member of a congregation, the elders immediately work to assure the safety of the victim and of other children.

    Lets see -- elders immediately work to assure the safety of the victim and of other children
    Normally this would mean - call the police and inform people of the danger

    Also, they make every effort to comply with the law. This includes complying with laws that mandate reporting the incident to the proper authorities.

    Only where required by law and only after consulting with WT legal dept

    This is done even when a child is the only one to report the wrong conduct or when the elders received the allegation of molestation in confidence.

    They make it sound like this is how they have always done it this way

    On rare occasions a member of a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses takes up or reverts to the disgusting habit of child molestation.

    "On rare occasions"? Who are they kidding 23,000 pedophiles on file and hundreds of reports at silentlambs and they want to say "on rare occasions"?

    Even if he gives extensive evidence of genuine repentance and has stopped his wrongdoing, the individual is severely censored by the congregation and is not protected from criminal investigation and/or prosecution.

    "severely censored" and "not protected from criminal investigation" only if people find out. If they can keep it a secret they will. If they can protect his privacy they will. If they can sweep the whole thing under the rug they will. If they can keep the victim silent they will. And only call the police in states where it is mandated AFTER they call WTS Legal Dept.

    Even if today years have passed, he does not qualify for any responsibilities in the congregation.

    Considering all the secrecy who really would know. Testimony of many victims is that these men not only do not lose their privileges but scale the WT ladder of success.

    The individual is also directed that he should not be in any unsupervised company of children, including when he engages in any public witnessing.

    But they will send him home with his child who he has abused and they do not warn people that he is a molester

    Additionally, elders of Jehovah's Witnesses are alerted to any past behavior of such an individual so as to protect the safety of any children in the congregation with whom he comes into contact. If the person moves to another congregation, the elders in the new congregation are notified; his record goes with him.

    This only applies if a judicial committee finds him guilty. If the accusation cannot be confirmed (either due to not having two witnesses or the molester not confessing he is declared innocent. Nothing will be placed in his file about the matter. Therefore nothing will be passed on to the next congregation.

    However we know that some who are marching here today have been victims of abase and their heartbreaking stories deeply sadden us. We view child molestation as a disgusting, abnormal and criminal practice. The congregation works to extend spiritual and practical support to victims of child abuse and focuses on their welfare. Yet the congregation primarily addresses the spiritual side of the issue.

    Yup saddens them so much that they tell parents to send their kids away. They tell victims and their families to pray more, go in service and get to all the meetings.

    We leave the criminal and civil aspects in the hands of the courts, In fact, for years now our published policy has been to tell people they have the right to report.

    NOTE: "published policy" but what they publish and what they do are two different things

    For example, the , Awake! provided the reminder: "Some legal experts advise reporting the abuse to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this," Also the policy document "Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Protection," which was posted on the authorized Web site as well as being distributed to researchers, explains "The elders may be required by law to report even uncorroborated or unsubstantiated allegations to the authorities. If so, we expect the elders to comply.

    Reports again are only made if the public finds out. If the JC determines no guilt then nothing is done.

    Additionally, the victim may wish to report the matter to the authorities, and it is his or her absolute right to do so."

    "the victim MAY wish to report" but the awake says: *** g93 10/8 9 If Your Child Is Abused ***
    Some legal experts advise reporting the abuse to the authorities as soon as possible. In some lands the legal system may require this. But in other places the legal system may offer little hope of successful prosecution." They will do their best to discourage people from making any complaint public.

    Earlier this year, among other details provided in the letter read to all congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in the was this paragraph:
    "We have long instructed elders to report allegations of child abuse to the authorities where required by law to do so, even where there is only one witness. (Romans 13:1) In any case, the elders know that if the victim wishes to make a report, it is his or her absolute right to do so.--Galatians 6:5,"

    What they left out is that in that letter the elders are to call WT Legal FIRST to find out what to do next. "absolute right" - this is a new term and it too refers to a legal/secular right but they do not mention the belief restraints concerning going to outside authorities. They also do not mention the Matt 18 rule that would inhibit anyone from going outside the congregation but push them to deal with problems internally

    Thus Jehovah's Witnesses believe that it is the absolute right of the victim, his or her family, or any other concerned individuals to report the matter to the authorities. There are no congregation sanctions against anyone who reports an allegation of child abuse to the authorities. Our policy does not, however, dictate all of the specifics of the reporting. There are too many variables to stipulate anything beyond compliance with secular law.

    Lies - pure lies. Most JWs believe that any disputes with fellow JWs are to be handled internally and would always consult the elders before taking any action. Repeatedly victims have said they were threatened with sanctions if they went to the authorities. It is all those "specifics" that leaves the victims out in the cold

    Jehovah's Witnesses work to protect children and to prevent the problem of child molestation from contaminating the congregation.

    What they really mean is the reputation of the congregation.

    We uphold Bible principles and comply with secular law,

    Only when required by law and only if the public finds out

    Jehovah's Witnesses are convinced that the most effective defense against such terrible, damaging behavior is to teach and instill the Bible's high moral principles and values in responsive individuals in the communities in which they live and work.

    Yes if people join the JWs pray, go to meetings, and door-to-door. That is the extent of the "help" they provide for the victims

  • UnDisfellowshipped
    "severely censored"

    Yeah, basically they just give the molester the same "rights" in the Organization as they do women.

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