How Many JWs actually Watch JW.TV?

by Oubliette 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I think it's safe to say that most active JWs watch the monthly JW broadcast. I say this because I know that kingdom halls have a monthly airing of the program for the benefit of those who don't have internet access.

    As for the other shorter videos of morning worship and other things, I can't really say.


    How Many JWs actually Watch JW.TV?

    Probably a lot..

    I know some inactive JWs are watching..

    I think it`s like scoring a few points for going to memorial once a year..


    Like it or Not..

    The WBT$ has been Successful with reBranding to JW.ORG..

  • freein2004

    Most of my family members watch it religiously. Some watch same cap over and over and post about on social media all the time.

  • The_Doctor10

    I don't know the numbers of how many watch, but of those I know who watch it regularly I want to know how they put up with Morris and Lett? A dictator and a freakin' cartoon character, these are the people you believe are leading you to salvation?!?! Madness I say!

    I'm thoroughly convinced that the GB were better off remaining behind the scenes, being front and center should eventually sink in to people what nitwits these people are. Really it can only dwindle the numbers, because it surely can't be drawing people in.

  • tornapart
    My elder husband hasn't watched a single one. When I asked him why he told me it smacked of tv evangelism and he didn't like it.
  • ToesUp
    I think more Ex Jdubs watch it. It's great if you need a good laugh!

    I told my wife all about the WTBTS's Pedo-issues, the Pedo-database, revisionist history, misquotes, attitudes towards doubters, rebranding, ect.

    She watched TOMO and though it was great. She is a Watchtard. After the Jesus Van Der Beek convention, she will be even more of a Watchtard. She doesn't care about kids getting chomoed, she doesn't care that I was molested. She doesn't care.. She loves TOMO.


  • Gayle
    In the past, how many really read all the literature, not most.
  • hoser
    We don't watch it.
  • Phizzy

    Just thinking how I would feel if I were still an active JW about watching. I reckon I would find it really hard to give more time to the Org by watching puerile presentations that tell me nothing I don't already know.

    I doubt that I would watch it, in my later years as aJW I used to miss the District Convention because of the feeling that I got nothing from it.

    It is my guess that as not watching JWCrapTV is not something other JW's would realise is happening, many JW's just don't bother, very few will miss Conventions like I did because that may be picked up. One day the Big Brother GB will find a way of monitoring how often JW's watch, then it will get difficult, but at that stage, if you choose to stay in a Rigid Control Cult, it's your fault.

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