Ted Jaracz - the accused

by Nathan Natas 70 Replies latest jw experiences

  • plmkrzy

    All I can say is I hope this speach hasn't damaged the credibility of the cause.

    satanic rituals


    The reporters listened and took notes you know

  • hillary_step


    Allowing a victim to make a public statement cannot automatically be deemed the wrong thing to do and as we are not privy to all of the circumstances and manuvers that her lawyer is, we cannot say that her making such statement was "stupid".

    No person has as far as I know used the term' stupid' to describe the statement. I have, and still do question the way that the case was presented to the public. This was a public event, the press did not arrive by accident, nor did Kimberely. It was staged event. The statement made by the person making the allegations against Jaracz has raised red flags with some, confused and puzzled others, and led to uneccessary debate. This could have been avoided.

    My point is that the statement and the subsequent fall-out could have been handled in a more professional manner, indeed it should have been.


    Again, I would think Bill himself has been one of her "advisors," and probably for a long time at that. So is Bill at fault for putting Pat thru such trauma?

    If Bill orchestrated this statement then imho he has certainly not helped Pat, if Ms. Norris was responsible then I would question her abilities were she my lawyer. As for Ms. Norris shouting 'Lets Go Get Em' slogans, well that is not difficult. That is the easy part. What is difficult is uncovering the hard evidence neccessary to win a case in court. Some have been working hard to get this evidence for a long while, compromising their own loyalties to good friends to do so. What have been made are unfounded allegations. They have not been proved as yet and we should remember this.

    I can assure you that I know far more about this case than most persons posting on these threads and am far closer to the source of the problem than anybody. I seldom comment on these types of threads but I am not very impressed with how things were handled in NY. It has certainly not helped those behind the scenes, away from the media and the slogans, to extract the information needed to bring this case to trial.


    Pat under the stress may have acted in a way on the steps in the manner as described above. All the years of being oppressed, just getting the fact of something so powerful and devistation in a persons life for a brief moment may make her crazy.

    That is my point, why was she put in this position?


    PS - That is all In have to say about this matter. I will not participate any further in these threads.

    Edited by - hillary_step on 30 September 2002 0:26:56

  • minimus

    If you want to make an accusation against a person that has free unlimited legal counsel, you better know what you're doing. You're dealing with professionals not hacks.

  • DannyBear

    Is it any wonder why the media was reluctant to air this event? Not to me.

    It is absolutly ludicrous to allow such an inflamatory accusation to be made, while at the same time asking for the witnesses to come forward. Yeah that makes sense.

    It's wonderful to think the wt might get nailed for it's inhumanity. But to applaud this accusation, or infer it may be true, is stooping to a level lower than the wtbs itself.


  • Ephanyminitas

    Grits writes:

    Shame shame on everyone for being Doubting Thomases, as if Bill and the attorney have not thoroughly gotten to know this lady, and who know all the details, the facts, etc. Why do you people show such a lack of confidence in silentlambs and its founder and in the fact that they would not let someone speak publicly "off the wall" without knowing EVERYTHING "behind the scenes" about this? I thought those on this forum had better sense.

    I must disagree. Those of us who are skeptical ARE showing good sense. I'm not at all saying she's a liar or that she's fabricated anything. But I cannot accept this account as solid fact until more evidence about it comes out (e.g. a court case). After being in the organization so long, I've learned not to just accept what I'm told, no matter how it sounds.

    I don't know Bill Bowen, and I don't have intimate contact with Silent Lambs; thus, I don't personally know how much "behind the scenes" info S.L. has verified. I don't know the victim, and I only have one person's account of what happened. No matter how passionate and sure she might be -- and no matter how likely it is that what she says IS true -- I just refuse to the believe her claims on hearsay alone. Especially something of this magnitude. That would be foolishness on my part. I understand that some people know this young woman. THEY can place their trust in her because they KNOW her, whereas I do not.

    I hardly think I'm a "doubting Thomas" for excerising proper restraint.

  • Dutchie

    Hillary, I apologize for my misuse of the word "stupid".

  • larc

    I agree with Hillary, Danny Bear, and Ephanymisnitas, on this issue. I would add my own comments, but I am very tired right now, dealing with a situation at home.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Here is as complete a transcript of Pat Garza's statement as is possible. Where strings of asterisks ( *** ) are found the tape was inaudible. Thanks to JahH for posting DungBeetle's transcript, from which I extracted the following:

    Pat Garza : I'm Pat Garza, and I'm here to say that I was raped by Theodore Jaracz when I was a little girl, in the city of Los Angeles, he was the District Servant. There are two boys; their initials are "M.D." and "M.W.", if they - if I could find them theyre older than me, they were there, there were witnesses! We were terrified and silenced! We were not allowed to talk. My life was threatened and my brothers, were threatened, they were going to be killed if I spoke.

    And when I started remembering the abuse I was abused horrifically in the congregation and I wrote the Watchtower Society and I begged for help, I have the letters with me to show you the names of ten of the elders who hurt me and they told me they could not answer any of the questions I asked, nor could they comment on the circumstances that I described in the congregation.

    I ended up in the hospital, in crisis in the emergency ward because of what the elders did to me. And then I was hospitalized for months, because I had nowhere to go, I was homeless. They threw me out in the street, I was destitute and I was disabled, I was unable to work because of the flashbacks I was having. And I ended up on the street, and I have with me a photocopy of the letter that the elders, he entire body of elders sent me, it has all of their names on it. It says that they called the Watchtower Society here in New York, and asked how to help me and they sent me a list of homeless shelters and I have that list of homeless shelters, one of them was Parkside Projects on skid row in Portland Oregon. Two of them were *** Beaverton Oregon and the other was the YWCA. The humiliation that I felt was beyond belief. I almost died when I got that letter from those elders, and I almost stopped praying.

    The Watchtower Society has stood as a block between children and your God. All they do is destroy a person's faith *** and make them feel like God does not love us. And I'm here to say that He does, and I'm saying for those of us who are victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse in this organization fight some of these elders and fight Ted Jaracz.

    It's safe to come out now and you can come and talk and I'm begging anyone who knows "M.D" and "M.W." - I would say their names but for privacy I won't reveal them, but SilentLambs knows the full identity of "M.D." and "M.W." who were there - would you please call SilentLambs at 1-877-WTABUSE Please step forward and be my witnesses.

    Theyre bringing pedophiles into this organization, they're ruining children for sex and that's what they were doing with me, the boys were there to prepare me for sex with Ted Jaracz! They were there to keep me, to make me, disassociate so that I could not remember him.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 1 October 2002 10:56:59

  • plmkrzy
  • OHappyDay

    All well and good but this is still America and in the much maligned but still working American system of justice, a person is innocent until proven guilty.

    Unsubstantiated allegations are just so much slander, no matter how noble the intent.

    Get your facts and evidence in place FIRST. THEN make your accusations.

    That's the way it is. That's the way it should be.

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