a Pedophile's Paradise ???

by Xandria 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Matty

    I have also cancelled my Amazon Account and have emailed my friends about it as well. I am totally flabbergasted about it.

  • Zechariah

    I just emailed Amazon to tell them I am not buying anything else from them until the ad is removed.

    Among other things I told them they just as well might be advertising how to commit murder or make a bomb. Totally irresponsible.


  • Sadie5

    This ad made me want to barf. SICK!

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    I could not believe what I just read!!! I was sickened by it!! I never bought anything from Amazon and now will NEVER!


  • LB

    Damn perverts and it makes me think how many of those boylovers work at Acom? Well, time to cancel my account also.

  • david_10

    I notice that in the 3 hours since I first posted on this, the sales ranking has shot up to 216. It must be enjoying awesome sales. And that is why Amazon won't stop selling it anytime soon. Whether your name is IBM or the WTBS or, there's only one thing that matters, and that's money. Oh sure, eventually, in the name of public decency and morality, they'll pull it off the shelves. But not until it's sales ranking falls way back into the 1000's and they've made about all the money that they can make on it. Really sad.


  • patio34

    I just did a search at Barnes and Noble and they do not have this author. A search under "pedophilia" brought up only types that seemed to highlight the criminality and mental aberrations of it.

  • Simon

    That's why we 'the buying public' need to make it economically better for them to not sell it by not buying from them if they do. Sure, they may make sales of that book but they will loose the other sales.

    BTW: I realise I have links to Amazon ... one of the things I will point out to them is how many referrals I send to them.

  • patio34

    Here's my e-mail to them. I had to go to the "help" page and then a couple of more to finally be able to e-mail.

    It was hard to find out how to contact you.

    I was appalled to learn of your offering pro-pedophilia books for sale. I learned of this on the discussion board (JWDB).

    I have been a regular customer of yours for years, but will drop my account and switch to Barnes and Noble if you do not discontinue books that victimize innocent children. B&N does NOT carry this line of criminal smut.

    The book I'm referring to is by David L. Riegel about Man/Boy Love.

  • morrisamb


    thank you so much for posting this. My book, Father's Touch, is listed with and I find this beyond disgusting. And I'm going to make some noise about this too!!

    Coincidentally I was just interviewed by a New York reporter for 40 minutes last Monday on a story they are working on pedophiles. I have sent this information to the particular reporter as this could be incorporated in the story!!!

    My straight friend in Toronto's father is about to read my book and he said to my friend,

    "Why did Donald's father marry since he's a homosexual?"

    "He's not homosexual."

    "He is too. He screwed boys."

    "Dad, he molested little girls too!"

    That silenced his father.

    Then his mother said to him,

    "Why would Donald have sex with men since his father was a man."

    "MOTHER! Donald has a loving relationship with someone who happens to be a man. You can hardly call Donald be raped by his father, 'having sex with a man'.

    Unfortunately, books like the one on amazon will be cited as further proof of a homosexual agenda! Give me a break!!!! It's a pedophile agenda.

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