Very Bad News Re: Post Yesterday

by Celtic 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Simon, you're probably right, the witnesses will turn it around and say that!!! I hate those bastards!!!

  • SloBoy

    So sorry, so sad......I can hardly breathe.......all have lost.

  • SloBoy

    Hope the media gets this

  • Scully

    The courts, at least here in Canada, have held bullies responsible for the psychological terrorism they cause that has driven their targets to suicide. It should be no different for bullies of any kind, whether they are parents, religious leaders, teachers, or members of one's own peer group.

    These people intentionally inflict harm on their targets. The adage "sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me" is SO WRONG. The shunning and emotional blackmail that accompany disfellowshipping is nothing short of predatory aggression. The behaviour is intended to induce intense fear and terror, and establish dominance or enforce a heirarchy.

    From Barabara Coloroso's The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander (Harper Collins, 2002):

    Four Markers of Bullying

    Bullying is a conscious, willful, and deliberate hostile activity intended to harm, induce fear through the threat of further aggression, and create terror. Whether it is premeditated or seems to come out of the blue, is obvious or subtle, "in your face" or behind your back, easy to identify or cloaked in the garb of apparent friendship, done by one [person] or a group of [people], bullying will always include these three elements.

    1. Imbalance of power: The bully can be older, bigger, stronger, more verbally adept, higher up on the social ladder, of a different race, or of the opposite sex. Sheer numbers of [people] banded together to bully can create this imbalance. [...]
    2. Intent to harm: The bully means to inflict emotional and/or physical pain, expects the action to hurt, and takes pleasure in witnessing the hurt. This is no accident or mistake, no slip of the tongue, no playful teasing, no misplaced foot, no inadvertent exclusion, no "Oops, I didn't mean it."
    3. Threat of further aggression: Both the bully and the bullied know that the bullying can and probably will occur again. This is not meant to be a onetime event.

    When bullying escalates unabated, a fourth element is added:

    4. Terror: Bullying is systematic violence used to intimidate and maintain dominance. Terror struck in the heart of the [person] targeted is not only a means to an end, it is an end in itself. This is not a onetime incident of aggression elicited by anger about a specific issue, nor is it an impulsive response to a rebuke.

    Once terror is created, the bully can act without fear of recrimination or retaliation. The bullied [person] is rendered so powerless that he is unlikely to fight back or tell anyone about the bullying. The bully counts on bystanders becoming involved in participating or supporting the bullying or at least doing nothing to stop it. Thus the cycle of violence begins.

    This kind of behaviour needs to be stopped. It needs to be stopped in the playground, it needs to be stopped in the home, it needs to be stopped in the workplace, and it needs to be stopped where ever people seek spiritual guidance.

    This is senseless and destructive. No innocent person deserves to die because of a petty stupid disgusting CULT.

    Love, Scully

  • JeffT

    I'm simply at a loss for words. I can not believe a parent can be pushed to this by a stupid, heartless religion.

  • SwordOfJah

    I can not believe a parent can be pushed to this by a stupid, heartless religion.

    I doubt you will find a publication instructing these parents to tear their daughters pictures. Of course I don't know and nobody in this forum knows exactly what happened between the parents and their daughter.

    It is sad that this girl decided to kill herself, but there must be more to this story that is not beind told here.

    All opposers here automatically assume that it's becase she was disfellowshipped and she was shunned, but really no one knows what was on her mind those minutes before killing herself. I do have faith in Jehovah God and his ability to read minds and hearts. We will have to wait 'till the resurrection to see what really happened, the question is will any of you opposers be there? It's only up to you.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    You know in her Jdub parents mind they will probably justify it and say, "well she will now be resurrected in the new order". Sick, bloody, cult minds....


  • anglise

    I am so sorry to hear this awful news.

    Take care of Adele please and tell her about all those who have written from this board to show their love.

    I wonder how much of the parents actions can be put down to the September KM article on disfellowshipping etc.

    Is there any legal redress in this situation.


  • bay64me

    I'm sorry.

  • Scully

    I've said this before and I'll say it again:

    JWs are one of the few so-called religions where it's believed that people are better off DEAD than on the outside.

    Sick b@$t@rd$.

    Love, Scully

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