One year of being free

by Israel Ricky Gonzales 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Crazyguy
    How's it going with your kids, are you having any success with waking them up and if so what have you said?
  • OnTheWayOut
    A big congratulations to you and yours and a happy birthday to your daughter. You know you did the right thing.
  • Israel Ricky Gonzales
    Israel Ricky Gonzales


    My kids are kinda torn. Their lives still revolve around the cult very much. They have seen the shunning up close and personal. I know they believe it is not right. My son always changes the subject whenever it rears its ugly head.

    When I was first DF'd and still living with them,I told them that we didn't need to go to the Kingdom Hall for Jehovah or Jesus to be with us. Matt 18:20 For where there are two or threegathered together in my name, there I am in their midst.

    Then we talked about the cross. John 20:25 So the other disciples were telling him: “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them: “Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails and stick my finger into the print of the nails and stick my hand into his side, I will never believe it.

    I asked my kids how many nails it took to be plural. They said 2 or more. Then I showed them the pic of Jesus dying in the Bible Teach book and asked them if the picture had singular or plural nails.

    My daughter, the younger, blurted out singular. My son, the older, waited to answer and he said: so dad, are you telling me this whole time all the other churches were right and we were wrong?

    I said that yes, I think I may have been wrong to teach people that Jesus died like the way JWs teach and that is one of the reasons why I could not be a JW any more, because it may NOT be what the bible really teaches.

    I do plan on showing them TTATT when they get older, but for now just showing them unconditional love.

  • The Marvster
    The Marvster

    Hi Ricky G,

    First saw your testimony on JW struggle when I first got curious about what ex JW's were saying on youtube, and on some of my bad days, have watched a couple of your videos, just to hear some words of one who knows.

    the one that touched me the most was the one where you were having a bad day and said FULLY how much you hate the organisation... such brutal honesty, and I felt your pain, it articulated how I feel from time to time.

    and it's been nice to see, that progressively, you seem to be getting stronger, more confident, having passed though the fire and come out the other side.

    it's so different being on the other side and seeing what people have to go through after being ejected or leaving the org. I have so much respect for everybody who goes through this, it takes you to the edge of insanity and emotional trauma and then 'YOU' pull yourself back, no, not with the GB's help, but your own strength, and with the support of those who really care, rather than those who pay lip service to love... It's so sad that not all survive this 'dangerous' journey, so glad you made it.

    love your videos and will keep watching

  • Dagney
    Congratulations! Well done!
  • Mary J Blige
    Mary J Blige
    IRG: My youngest daughter's 15th birthday on the 26th. My parents for the first time ever will be joining us for our evening meal. My love for my parents has deepened as has my respect for their courage, tenacity and trust in each other. I turned worldly being born in - they, mid 60s have learned TTATT. You are lucky that you will never carry the heart burden of my parents. Enjoy your children and your grandchildren when you get there. Much love to you. MJB.
  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2
  • DesirousOfChange

    The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life!

    Sounds like you're already headed in the right direction to do that.

    Good luck,


  • 060702015

    live well ricky

    what are your thoughts on the afterlife?

  • Crazyguy
    How old are your kids Ricky?

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