No Reply From Bowen

by BB 31 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I just opened the SILENTLAMBS works for me too.

  • Europe

    It works fine for me too, but perhaps that's because I use two names when I refer to Mr. Bowen!!!;-)))))

  • SYN

    Silentlambs is running just fine! Maybe they had it down for maintenance or somebody stepped on the plug or something...

  • BB

    You are correct. More recent attempts to access the site have produced better results.


  • abbagail

    It's really sad this thread turned into a bickering session. What's the matter with everybody, anyway?

    Yes, the SL website worked fine for me late last night and again just now. Sometimes when my ISP is screwy, I cannot access various sites, so maybe it was the ISP that was out of whack temporarily. Also, once in awhile when the SL Guestbook is being updated, the site may not be accessible. But all is well now.

    As to why B.Bowen may not have replied to BB as yet, apart from his being out of the country since 9-11-02, and prior to that all of the press conferences around the country 9-5-02, etc. (i.e., he has his hands FULL, I'm sure):

    1. Which address did you use, BB, to email silentlambs?

    2. If you did not receive a reply in a timely fashion, did you ever try calling Bill at his home?

    3. You are correct that he does NOT have a "support staff," at least not yet. I'm sure that is one of the many areas being worked on as time permits. Please see the thread, "Would You Like To Work For Silentlambs?":

    4. Are you signed up for the silentlambs EMAIL LIST (there is a sign-up button on the home page of the SilentLambs website, top of the page, which says, "ADD ME TO EMAIL"). That is how Bill communicates information, besides his postings to this forum.

    5. I'm not saying he does not answer emails personally, I just know ONE MAN CAN'T DO EVERYTHING. He gets hundreds of emails a day. I'm sure it was NOT intentional that he did not reply to you. It's just that there are OTHER ways to get "general information" about SL activities without getting it straight from Bill.

    6. However, if you are an abuse victim and need help in THAT way, I would strongly suggest you CALL the SilentLambs #800 which is on the SilentLambs website. Also, if you were wanting to be an "eyewitness" to speak at the March, or something urgent like that, I would also suggest you CALL him rather than email.

    7. Another way to find & keep up with Silentlambs details and updates, is to find any post by silentlambs in this forum. Then click on the "Topics Started by Silentlambs" icon under his ID. That will give you the ongoing list of ALL of the threads begun by Silentlambs, which shows all pertinent SilentLambs activities, March info, etc. Then SAVE that URL for future reference. Here it is, FYI: "All Threads Started by SilentLambs":

    8. I'm merely suggesting that all of us try to get the info we need from these sources FIRST rather than adding an email-reply-to-us-personally-from-Bill as another "thing-to-do" on Bill's "To-Do-List."

    9. Someone already suggested it, but here's another way to get info: A private yahoogroup was begun regarding the March awhile back, and those who were already on the Silentlambs EMAIL list (mentioned in #4 above), received an invitation to join the SL March yahoogroup. You can request a membership by writing to: [email protected]. However, if Bill is the one who personally approves you as a member, then his being out of town right now would still cause a delay in being signed up for that. It was through that March-yahoogroup and other "SL Email List" emails that the extensive hotel list was distributed.

    10. Below is info I have about the March, from the "SL Email List" and from threads on this site (Bill usually posts the same info on this forum that he sends around via the SL EMail List). If what you need to know is not covered in this (below) info, please post here again and we'll keep trying to assist you.

    11. One last thought: If I were you, I would catch the latest flight you can that night, within reason. Why? (a) You will see from the below, there is no way to really know in advance how LONG the March will last (depends on how many show up who will be speaking). (b) You will see from the below that dinner plans will be announced AT the March, and you may like to go along, and who knows in advance how long dinner and conversation will last? (c) You may end up meeting fellow SL supporters there who you would like to hang out with for awhile, but there's no way to know that in advance. Just my two cents.

    Hope this helps.

    silentlambs march - please get ready now!
    POSTED HERE: Aug 18, 2002; 23:38

    The silentlambs march is fast approaching, I encourage one and all to get your hotel reservations and make your final travel arrangements. We have a listing of discount hotels if you need assistance.

    We are going to have a police escort all the way to the front door of 25 Columbia Heights. All permits have been obtained. Plan to be at Pierpoint Place and Columbia Heights at around on 1:30 PM on the 27th of September, 2002. We will proceed in an orderly fashion to25 Columbia Heights. This march is not about anger, it is not about other issues you may be upset about, it is about protecting children and supporting abuse survivors. I prefer that all banners and posters support this theme. We are united for one cause. Some have stated they wish to express other agendas at the march, I feel this is not appropriate. What if you were an active witness whose child had been molested, would it be fair to them to express views that may be offensive? To reach out to all and keep the focus we have to be neutral on doctrinal issues. Silentlambs is about support of ALL, not any certain side of doctrinal issues.

    Dress however you wish, wear comfortable walking shoes, casual clothing will be fine. Be sure to bring rain protection just in case, cheap ponchos are about $1 at Walmart. Be aware it could be cooler in this time of the year. We will have t-shirts available when you get there.

    When we arrive at 25 Columbia Heights, we will first have a program in which abuse survivors will be asked to make a brief 60 second comment for whoever wants to speak. I will introduce different ones after the opening comments. We will then request a meeting with the Governing Body as outlined in my June 2002 letter. Anyone who wishes to serve as an eye-witness to their crimes against children will be invited to present evidence or testimony to prove our accusations. If the Governing Body refuses to meet we will then deliver the lambs to them as a reminder of who they are hurting by not meeting. Anyone who cannot make the trip can send a lamb along with a friend.

    We will then conclude with closing comments by those who wish to speak and I will conclude the program. Afterwards for those who can we would like to meet for dinner at a location nearby. This will be announced when we get there.

    If you are not able to make the journey I encourage you to wear a silentlambs t-shirt in a public place on . You can make your statement locally that you offer support. I will soon have a series of bumper stickers, t-shirts, and lapel pins for sale on silentlambs. If you cannot afford to buy one and are an abuse survivor call me and we will work something out. Below is one example.

    I encourage you to not miss this history making event. It will mark a turning point for the organization, that is, we unite to take a stand for what is morally and ethically right for the sole purpose of protecting children and supporting abuse survivors. It will be a public testament to the righteousness or wickedness of those who lead this organization.

    Will you miss it?

    And here's pertinent portions from another one...

    POSTED HERE: Aug 27, 2002; 18:29

    Well today marks thirty days before the silentlambs march in Brooklyn New York on September 27th. We are excited to see such a positive response and look forward to seeing you there. We wish to make those who are coming aware of further details in order to get ready. ...

    March: Be aware New York has strict ordinances when it comes to signs and posters. No sticks or hard supports structures are allowed. You can use cardboard tubing or similar materials to hold up your posters. I was thinking of making posters when we arrive and having materials available to do so. We can start about 12:30 PM for those who would like to assist at Pierpoint Place and Columbia Heights. Bring stuffed lambs for abuse survivors who cannot be there. We will deliver them to Bethel when we arrive, if you wish to send a lamb contact me for assistance in doing so. ...

    If you would like to serve as an eye-witness against the Governing Body please let me know so we can put your name on the list of those who wish to testify. If you wish to make a 60 second comment regarding abuse in the organization, please let me know so as to get an idea of the time frame we are working with. Also we have something special planned that will become a permanent part of the silentlambs organization. You will not want to miss it.[/quote]

    Edited by - Grits on 17 September 2002 18:3:1

  • BB

    The information youve provided was exactly what I was looking for! Thanks so much for the extra effort to pull everything together.

    Hope to see you on the march!


  • abbagail

    Hi BB! You're welcome, and I'm so glad this info helped! Hope you can get the flight-times that you would like, and all other travel details. Have a great trip and a GREAT MARCH!! I wish I could say I'd "see you there," but as of now I don't see me being able to go, so I try to do what I can do from here in the background! But I will be sending a stuffed lamb just the same.

    Best regards,

  • wednesday

    Biol will answer-he's always replied to me. I have a quesrion? Some have mentioned siging the questnook-i would love to but can't find it. Now i ham puter literte-but i see not link for it. could someoen tell me hwo to get to the quest book?


  • deddaisy

    BB, I believe I owe you an apology for the earlier display of sarcasm. I read through your post rather quickly and my impression was that you were attempting to attack Bill Bowen in an off-handed way. Later on, after I thought about it, I could see how you may have only been frustrated by a lack of response to your emails, and not attacking Bill's capabilities. My apologies.


    Wednesday, I'd gladly help you, but I've never signed the guestbook.....

  • abbagail

    Wed: Go to the SilentLambs homepage:

    Right on the homepage in the left-hand column are the blue-bars/links to other parts of the website. Read down that list of blue-bars. One of them says "Guestbook." Click on that to get to the Guestbook.

    Let us know when you find it.

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