Superman's quote 'bout JW's

by orphanannie 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim


    I can not speak to the courage of the convictions of George W. Bush. However, I have seen examples of women who were willing to forfiet life or quality of life so as to not violate the life of the baby inside them. Why is Chris Reeve's quality of life more valuable than the life of babies not yet born?

  • Xander

    an UNBORN HUMAN LIFE should not be terminated?

    Oh, good grief, not another one.

    This argument has been done to death here. Here are the last two threads on it:


    Do us the favor of at least reading through them.

  • Yerusalyim

    Edited by - Yerusalyim on 18 September 2002 13:9:46

  • Xander

    And if looks are you only criteria for determining your position on things, I assume you also believe it is murder if the above sculpture would be destroyed?

  • dubla


    i read your links, and your extremely porous arguments about how no fetus is a human until their soul becomes alive, around the 23rd week of pregnancy or whatever. i am not pro-life, i do believe in a womans right to choose.....i also think your analogies leave a whole lot to be desired.


    edited to say: i agree with the points made by amac in the first thread, and thats why im not elaborating on my position......its all been said.

    Edited by - dubla on 18 September 2002 13:31:57

  • Xander

    extremely porous arguments about how no fetus is a human until their soul becomes alive

    Not my words, but I think the spirit of my point is there.

    May I be so bold as to ask then, what criteria do YOU use to define if something deserves the amount of protection we regard as the right of, say, adult humans?

  • funkyderek
    i am not pro-life, i do believe in a womans right to choose

    I am pro-life because I believe in a woman's right to choose. A life without freedom of choice is no life at all. The term "pro-life" has been co-opted by anti-abortionists, creating a false dichotomy in which those who disagree with them must be "anti-life." Sacrificing the life, health and freedom of a sentient human being by forcing her to become a hostage to something that may one day become a sentient human being, cannot reasonably be called "pro-life".

  • LDH


    I'm not "pro-abortion" but goddamnit, neither is it my business to tell another human what to do with their body.

    This is not an abortion thread.

    I made my remark because I feel it's REALLY easy for people that are not in wheelchairs to talk about the morality of stem cell research, etc.


  • Yerusalyim


    Edited to say:

    Actually, this IS a thread about abortion, for this is the specific issue Reeves addresses. He wants stem cells harvested from aborted babies to use for research. So, he's cool with 37 million deaths so he can walk. I call that SELFISH.

    I totally agree with you, a person does have a right to their own body. However, this child pictured above is not the woman's body, but that of a seperate human life.

    Edited by - Yerusalyim on 19 September 2002 14:32:31

  • Xander

    That's a fascinating opinion, Yeru, but one you know you can't back up with anything as troubling as, say, facts.

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