JW's came to my door 6 weeks ago. I told them I was inactive.......

by Alchemist 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Alchemist - I haven't read any of the replies yet, so I will say this; read Acts 17:11 and just imitate the example which is clearly stated! Do research and think deeply on what you find.

    You have a Bible, you have reasoning abilities, and you have unlimited insights at your fingertips into the Org's teachings & practices, via the Internet. Use them all, and then decide if this corporation really represents God on earth, and you want to submit your whole being to doing its will!

    You have to fill your lonely and isolated void with something - that's natural - but there are countless better ways to do so.

  • smiddy


    You say you are inactive , that tells me that you were either stumbled by someone or something in the past , am I correct ?

    If it was human imperfections that stumbled you , couldn`t that reasoning also apply to Christendoms religions ?

    Letting them off the hook?

    If it was doctrine , look up J.W.facts and get a former bethelites view on what the Society teachers and have taught.

    A recent convention stated that Jehovah hates Satan so much that his true name is not known to this day .Do you realize that the name of the almighty God ? the creator of the universe ? the true God`s name is not known today either ? The only "name" we have is the tetragrammaton 4 Hebrew letters , in English , wrongly translated JHVH at first and then more correctly translated YHWH .

    The name Jehovah never existed before the 13th Century , it was invented by a catholic monk .

    The first edition of the " Aid Book" acknowledged that YHWH was more likely , however JHVH was more accepted ,by whom ? may I ask ? by Christendom who they condemn as the main stay of Babylon the Great ?

    Do you see the hypocricy ? taking place now ? Nobody knows Gods true name today , anymore than Satans.

    Stick around you will learn more here in a month than a year at a K.H.


  • cofty
    People are just more immoral and hateful these days.

    Sorry to sound harsh but you need to lose that judgemental attitude. It is precisely this that is the hallmark of JWs.

    Some people are amazing and generous and caring, others are idiots.

    They are human just like you. We are living in the most, fair, equitable and safest time in all of human history. If you don't believe me that's because you have a myopic view of history. Have a read of "The Better Angels of our Nature" by Steven Pinker.

    Your urge to go back to the cult is based on fear of reality. Be brave.

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    People are people.

    JWs can be nice and kind. JWs can also be twats.

    Non JWs can be nice and kind. Non JWs can also be twats.

    JWs are usually better at hiding their own idiotic behavior because it doesn't look good for the religion and their status.

    The world is generally a lot less sh*t than it was 50 years ago. Yes their are wars, but there has always been wars. Social media just makes it easier to report on these wars in greater detail, it doesn't mean these things weren't happening before.

    The JWs are just a nice warm hug that can ruin your life.

    You are basing your view on "immorality" on the Jehovah's witness worldview. (and the bible).

    Remember, people are people. If you were in a burning building, the majority of non JW people would risk their life to save you. Don't let the WTBTS tell you any different.

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    All active JWs are living a lie, probable most unknowingly, some knowingly.

    Outside the organization that's a different matter.


    I agree with Cofty, sure the world can be awful and hateful and it can be intimidating, but also beautiful and wondrous. There are those who love God with all their heart and love their neighbor as themselves....and there are those who do not. It has always been that way.

    Let your God given intelligence with sound reasoning guide your decisions on where to turn.

    Also, it is good that JW.org is out there. People will be seeing JWfacts and other JW websites that are doing research.







  • GodZoo
    Alchemist, go to jw.org; choose 'publications' at the top of the page; scroll down to the bottom of the page and choose 'show releases'; choose Day 1; read 'Return to Jehovah'.

    That's not about returning to Jehovah.. it's about returning to the organisation.

  • punkofnice

    Welcome our Alchemist - I do not judge you for your choices. You gotta do what you gotta do.

    Personally, I wouldn't go back for any other reason that being given millions of pounds to return, but I would not be sincere.

    The world is good, the world is bad...it depends on what you're looking at and with what mind set.

    People are just more immoral and hateful these days.

    I respectfully disagree. People are people. It's just that the population of the Earth is bigger and we get to hear more...usually the bad stuff. There are a lot of fantastic, good people out there...like me

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    I assumed someone from their congregation or my old congregation would have contacted me by now

    were you baptised--alchemist ?------only--if you are--i doubt if they will be back--they cant count their time

  • punkofnice
    a watcher9 hours agoAlchemist, go to jw.org; choose 'publications' at the top of the page; scroll down to the bottom of the page and choose 'show releases'; choose Day 1; read 'Return to Jehovah'.

    With respect, that mag is just telling you that YOU are at fault. the WBT$ take no blame for false prophecy or outright propaganda and untruth.

    Also, consider the way the WBT$ is now begging for money. No?

    It's YOUR desicion what you want to do, but you came to this site as you felt there is something wrong with the organisation. No?

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