JW's came to my door 6 weeks ago. I told them I was inactive.......

by Alchemist 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nicolaou
    Would love to hear more about you Alchemist, hope you keep posting.
  • Alchemist
    I don't want to go to deep into it but I don't like the direction the world is going. People are just more immoral and hateful these days. It's like choosing the lesser of two evils. Things have gotten so bad that I feel JWs are more sane than the average worldly person now. I guess I feel like I fit in more with JWs than I do with the world. Right now I feel isolated.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    I don't think we need to question why Alchemist is thinking about returning to

    KH. If he or she have been here any length of time and have read the topics, there

    is no way will the blindfold go on again. First of all when you have been enlighten it's

    hard sitting there, basically you are the only one that is listening to the BS and

    understand what the hell they are trying to accomplish. The other 99.99% of the audience

    have no idea what is being said. We understand the BS about, we are in the last days, overlapping

    generation, changes on blood, changes for 144000, the BS how we protect the young ones among

    us. You will sit there and in your mind you are saying, I call BS. You look around and wonder,

    WTH folks don't you get it.

    No way can one sit there if they have been here any length of time and have read the many subjects

    that we have discuss.

  • nicolaou

    So you want to be around nice people? I get that. I think most Jehovah's Witnesses are nice people but even they are causing harm.

    Why not stick around for a while and read some experiences on this site. Take your time and consider both sides before you make a decision.

    Good luck.

  • JWdaughter

    JWs are nice-but go into a southern baptist or a Catholic church and folks are pretty nice. And some, like JWs are more or less nice out of church. Those churches don't go around saying they are superior to all others, they state that Jesus is. That's the difference generally. Nice people doing nice for Jesus or doing nice for the leadership of the religion. Orrrrrr outside of churches, there are a lot of nice folks doing good for others. . . . .just because. Nothing wrong with that!

    I think the wt/jws are like an invisible fence. So long as you shot where they tell you, you ate fine. Try to explore the neighborhood and you are severely punished.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Welcome Alchemist.

    Interesting name.

  • LisaRose

    That has not been my experience at all, I have met a lot of really great people since leaving. I did have some nice JW friends, but I also knew a few not so great JWs.

    I would suggest you research the JWs a bit before you go back, there are a lot of things I was told by the Watchtower that were exaggerations and outright lines. It was quite a shock to me that in thirty years of being a JW I knew so little about them.

    I was told the Watchtower predicted the last days would start in 1914, which is not true, they predicteded that Christ would return and the world would end, it was only when that didn't happen that they made up the bit about the "invisible return".

    I also learned that that prediction was based on chronology taken from another religion and based on an incorrect date for the fall of Jerusalem. Now that it's obvious that their prediction that the generation alive in 1914 would not die before Armageddon was a failure, they have changed the meaning of "a generation" to mean a whole second group of people who knew the original group of people that were alive in 1914 would not die before Armageddon, this making up a meaning for the term "a generation" that is completely made up.

    They have been secretly paying off victims of child sex abuse and demanding that the victims sign a nondisclosure agreement. They pretend they have very little child abuse in the congregations while maintaining a list of over 50k names of those accused. Pedophiles have been appointed elders even though they have been accused or confessed to abusing children. They recently settled a multi million dollar case, with more in the works.

    In short, the Watchtower is not what it claims to be. If you are seeking good association, there are a lot better religions out there, not all "worldly people" are immoral or bad. You owe it to yourself to check things out, the truth is out there, but it's not in the Watchtower.

  • smiddy

    Alchemist , first of all welcome to this site , you have only been on this board a short while , stick around ,ask questions , listen to other peoples experiences here before you take the step of going back.

    Remember you cant ask serious questions , especially about doubts or concerns you may have at the K.H. or with an Elder., keep it up and you will be before a judicial committee .

    You can here .and you wont be judged .

    Do you think Jehovah`s Witnesses are squeaky clean ? Google crimes committed by Jehovah`s Witnesses .

    If I am not mistaken you sound like a young person , don`t act in haste.and use the search option at the top of this page to do some research .

    Take care,


  • steve2

    Alchemist, fear about where the world is heading will lock people into religious neediness every time. Trouble is, where frightened people end up is invariably worse off such as in a religious organization that poorly tolerates doubt and searching questions. You are on a hiding to no where if you turn to authoritarian religious groups no matter how forced their smiles.

    Where ever this world is or is not headed, beware of people who tell you they have found the (latest) answer.

    Fear and the ability to think clearly do not sit well together. Do not mistake one for the other - and cherish above all else the ability to reason and not settle on "man made" doctrines and teachings.

  • Xanthippe

    Welcome Alchemist. I like your name, but we know now what the ancients didn't, we can't turn base metal into gold and neither can we turn a human being into a perfect person.

    If you go back you will find a lot of people who are pretending to be perfect but it's impossible. The lesser of the two evils isn't a great way to live is it? Stick around, no need to feel isolated, there are caring people here. I wrote this because I care.

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