creating romance

by SPAZnik 57 Replies latest social relationships

  • Dutchie

    Elsewhere, 30? Are you sure?

    I always had the impression that you were 21 or 22.

    Well, since I know I won't be hauled off to the big house, this changes everything. 30 years old ..........hmmmmm.......

  • SPAZnik

    I was once blindfolded and driven "somewhere",
    taken outside and guided (still blindfolded) to a bench,
    where i had to wait with the blindfold on while he set something up.
    All of a sudden there was this music playing and he came over and took the blindfold off of me and I discovered we were in this little park at the top of a hill with a view overlooking the downtown city lights. Gorgeous view.
    We danced to that song on the top of the hill with the beautiful view.

    woulda been corny, but he pulled it off so well. it ended up hilarious, fun, creative, and a surprise.

    i love a surprise. virtually anything (positive) in the form of a surprise, is romantic.

  • SPAZnik

    Introspection...."it's secondary to you caring about the person."

    I agree.

    Edited by - SPAZnik on 16 September 2002 18:21:14

  • ConnieLynn

    Years ago, I used to think it was flowers and candy or soft music. That relationship didn't work out. (he stayed a JW, I got df'd etc, etc..) My husband now, Steve, isn't much on flowers but every morning, when the alarm goes off, he gets up and comes back with my bathrobe. It makes my heart all squishy just typing it. We've been together 5 years, and I've learned that for me, it's those little things that are super romantic......

  • VeniceIT

    Connie that actually reminds me of my Grampa (I mean that in a good way)

    I don't ever really remember my grandparents getting along, they always fought, his pet name for her was 'stupid woman', as I child I found this rather entertaining. (she had alzheimers and has never liked me so I was never close to her, she says I've been stealing from her since the '40's, ahh yes the 'pre-natal' theif, but I digress). But nevertheless EVERY morning he brought her coffee and bannana in bed. Her second cup she had to get up and get herself, but her first cup she always got to get in bed. I guess in a way this is romantic, except for the fact that I'm sure grampa did that to keep her in bed longer so he could eat his breakfast in peace. Maybe it started out romantic though.......


  • bikerchic

    I know this certain guy.......he is so romantic, I am so awe-struck by him, he does and says the most incredible, soul shaking, romatic things to me. It is so wonderful to finally have met the yin to my yang. I can truely say I have met my soulmate. He touches the empty places in my heart that have longed to be filled and yet so long ago I gave up on ever having these needs be met. I figured I would die an old maid rather than settle for less than what I needed to make me feel whole and complete. That's it he totally completes me...I did the emotional work to get to this place so I would recognize HIM when he came along...I saw him posting here and in chat, I just knew I had to get to know him better, wink,wink. He always says...."I was just going along in my life when I was struck like a bolt outa the sky". I in the meantime was "cyber-stalking" him, (in a nice way) a girl has got to be careful ya know........and I knew he was the real deal. And as I've told him moved in for the........(hate to say kill).....moved in to seal the deal, lol.

    It's all so new to me this romantic side of life and to tell you some of the intimate things he's done and said, well it's so private, I'm selfishly wanting for now to keep them to myself, my heart is still overflowing with these incredible feelings and loving every minute of it. You know that feeling that your heart is going to burst outa your chest? The release will come, but for now it's all mine. Guess the best example is to read onacruse's recent postings in this section. We both want to SHOUT TO THE WORLD OUR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER!

    bc of the hopelessly romanticly in love class

  • Dutchie

    I figured I would die an old maid rather than settle for less than what I needed to make me feel whole and complete.

    Bikerchic, those are indeed wise words.

    Your romance with Onacruse has made me realize that I do not have to settle for less than I feel I am entitled to. You feel the way I want to feel about someone. I had that once and he passed away. I refuse to settle for less than that again.

    Besides, I am not afraid of being alone and I sort of like my own company.

  • mamashel

    Whip cream, strawberries, champaign, and chocolate syrup, mmmmmmmm Good!!! '

    Oh, oopps, does that qualify as romantic??


  • bikerchic

    ((((Dutchie)))) I didn't know Dutchie, I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I've been busy starting school, and I too have been very happy these past couple of years living alone, just figured I would remain single forever......sigh! Hold out for that special someone girl!

    Mamashel, ROTFLMAO!! How did you know? Pshycic? LOL

    bc......counting,counting,counting...47 hours!!

  • DakotaRed

    Like others, I have come to realize that settling for less than I want just doesn't work out. For whatever reason, I usually end up with selfish and materialistic women and nothing I do is ever good enough. Little things didn't matter.

    I was single for 7 years before my last marriage and will most remain single. If a special someone ever does come along, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Until then, I will enjoy my own company and that of my family and treat any I associate with as decently and honorably as humanly possible.

    Being single and living alone isn't as bad as another one-sided relationship, in my estimation.

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