Do You Like Where You Live?

by MegaDude 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Poor Mega, I share your pain. As for Big Tex, he just had his THIRD sinus surgery today in an effort to unblock his proboscis. Hope this one works better than the last one. However, unless the Cowboys move to the Caribbean we'll be in Texas for life, I'm sure! I do like where we live, though. We're in Murphy which is between Plano and Wylie (northeast of Dallas but still able to commute) and it's still kind of country. Our house is just big enough and sits on a slight rise so it catches any breeze there is. Barn swallows made a nest on our back porch. Neighbors are nice and school is about a block and a half away.

    The prettiest place I ever lived, though, was St. Croix, and I'd move back there in a heartbeat! Beautiful water, stupendous sunsets, and a total disregard for time make it a paradise in my eyes. I want the estate where I used to take piano lessons from the caretaker's wife: it was a huge plantation style, filled with antiques, and had a little path leading down to a private beach.

    Ah, memories!


  • eyegirl

    i'm sure alot of you will think i'm totally crazy for living up here in the great north. yes it gets cold, yes it's snowy--but a more beautiful, diverse place i can't really imagine. this is the lift bridge in the Duluth Harbor on Lake Superior.

  • Grunt

    Hearing about your places make me wish I could live in all of them! My dad was a construction worker and then I chased a dollar bill over a lot of this country and everywhere I lived, from Escondido, California and Cheyenne, Wyoming, to Alexandria, Va. and Port Sulphur, Louisiana had things I really liked and enjoyed. Some had to grow on you for a while to appreciate. When I finally moved to where I am now in Florida I reversed the order I had followed all my life and found a place I really liked then found a job that would allow me to live here. I am on a small lake in a cow-county, big old oaks with spanish moss hanging down, not many people, not even a red light in our little town. The Southern culture I love and a perfect climate for me. I like jet skis and motorcycles, I hate coats, mud and gray days. I travel to the things I miss pretty often (seasonal changes and mountains) but am always happy to return. Things are cheap here in comparison with a lot of the country and I don't EVER see smog. I guess the only drawbacks are too many alligators and how far it is to a hospital if you get hurt.
    Those beach pictures with the sea oats, were they from the Ft. Walton, Panama City area??? Beautiful place and a great response to the question!


  • Kenneson

    I love it here in Tallahassee, Florida. The city is built on 7 hills (reminiscent of Rome?) and there are trees everywhere. It's a tree conscious city. When new streets are constructed, most are made to go around the century old oaks that dot the city and area. The area has 5 canopy roads. Gracious live oaks, festooned with Spanish moss, reach across the roads to create the effect of a canopy. The oaks are protected from encroaching development. Of course, since these are two laned roads, some people would like them widened. But, so far, the preservationists are winning out. There are also several quail hunting plantations in the area with live oak groves.

    Tallahassee is also a university town and the capital of Florida. There are a number of lakes in the city, but the beaches on the Gulf coast are only about an hours' drive from here. Nearby as well, is the St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, where one can see alligators, bald eagles, migrating birds and waterfowl and a lighthouse. Another tourist attraction is the famous Wakulla Springs, which is the world's largest and deepest spring, and where the first Tarzan movies and Creature From the Black Lagoon were filmed. And if you ever come here don't forget to visit the Leon Sinks Geological Area, which was created when limestone was dissolved by water in the karst terrain. One of the most spectacular geological features in Florida is Big Dismal located here. One may occasionally hear about these sinkholes in Florida as they sometimes suddenly form swallowing up a house or someone's property.

  • Joyzabel

    Hey Grunt and Kenneson, please e-mail me, yours are locked and I want to ask you some questions and answer some that have been raised.


  • scootergirl

    YEAH FOR MINNESOTA! I am with eyegirl on that one! WONDERFUL seasons.......but, yes, it does get very cold in the winter. MN winter's are not for the faint of heart!

    I personally like northern Minnesota. Love the changing seasons, the varying temps, the beautiful shoreline of Lake Superior.

    Plus, northern Minnesota is close to eyegirl! LOL

  • VeniceIT

    I'm in S FL and "I luv it I luv it I luv it"

  • RandomTask

    I live in San DIego and I love it. Except real estate prices are some of the highest in the country.

  • jozb5

    I live in Oakland, Ca, just across the bay from San Francisco. The weather is great here, a little warmer than San Francisco and not so much fog. It does get smoggy here but mostly on hot days with no breeze (it doesn't happen often and we get freaked out over anything over 80 degrees and thank goodness the humidity is usually low. lol) I would love to stay in the San Francisco Bay Area (since I was born in San Francisco and have lived here all my life) but it's too damn expensive and in Oakland the public schools are crap.

    So my hubby's job has transfered him to Fishers, Indiana and it looks like we will be living in Noblesville, Indiana and from what I've seen it looks beautiful.

    If anyone knows what's it's like to live out there let me know.


  • Trotafox

    I'm in S FL and for the most part "I hate it hate it hate it"

    (Sorry, Ven, I couldn't resist. Tee-hee)


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