Do You Like Where You Live?

by MegaDude 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    I LOVE San Francisco Bay Area. Not as hot or smoggy as Southern CA, and not as soggy as Oregon or Washington State. Some of the best restaurants in the country are in this area. Mostly sunny and mild climate coupled with veriety of job markets attract many people. The only problem here is that things are kinda expensive - esp. housing price. I heard that it is going to go down at least 20% at the end of this year. And in summer it doesn't get as hot or humid as TX but gets dry. So ladies, if you come to San Francisco, be sure to bring good moisturizers.

    Oh, one more thing, did I mention great views? Ahhhhhhhhh, nice refreshing sea breeze and view of the bay! You can tour Alcatraz, too.

  • MegaDude

    I was just in San Francisco a few weeks ago. Lovely city. Not too far away from Napa Valley, which is a very nice place.

  • larc

    I was born and raised in Ohio, and so I guess that is why I like it here. I live in a mid-sized city, that is within a two hour's drive of several large cities. I like it here because I am close to a lot of urban resources. The country scenery here is nice, but not spectacular. My wife and I have talked about moving to another location. We like the Carolinas and Kentucky. We even thought about Mexico and Belise as places to live. However, all three of our children and our two grandchildren live near us, and we see at least one of them every week. So, we will stay put, and enjoy our kids and our location.

  • sunshineToo

    Did you have some seafood at the Fishermen's Warf? I love the Blue and God Fleet at Pier 39. And all those sealions..aww....

  • LuckyLucy

    Hey sunshine!!! I just love SF.When I go there i get this feeling that I lived there in another life.I lived at the Persido for 3's a long story...I was a scientific project(along with 10 others)

    Did ya tie the knot yet???

  • dsgal

    Hi MegaDude,

    I know what you mean.I live right over here in Mesquite and I've been coughing all week.I'm originally from Kentucky but my family moved here (East Dallas area)when I was thirteen years old in 1967 so now it is home to me but I still hate the smog.Also the HEAT!!!

  • Joyzabel
  • MegaDude

    Dammit, Joy, just rub it in, why don't you?

  • Joyzabel

    no smog here

    Hubby and I were in the northwest this summer, especially in the San Juan Islands (above Seattle, across from Canada) and it was gorgeous. We loved Seattle and the surrounding area. Can't wait to go see the Canadian Rockies next summer.

    I think there are very pretty places to see through out the world. But it comes down to the people that is most fun to be with. And I'm sure where ever you go, you will find interesting people to be with.


    ps, the waves are really up today and the sunset pic was from the night before. Now you know why I sit on the deck and enjoy a merlot while watching sunset.

    edited to add the ps

    Edited by - joy2bfree on 13 September 2002 18:10:32

  • DanTheMan

    I can't get really excited about Columbus Ohio, but virtually everyone I've talked to who has moved here from other areas always talk about how much they like it here, especially when they have moved here from a larger urban area. Columbus has the amenities of most larger cities but is a little less hectic and trashy than say a Cleveland or Chicago. Pittsburgh is a nice city also.

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