Where were you?

by joannadandy 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • detective

    I was on my way to work in Boston as well. I didn't have the radio on (unusual for me to commute without the news station). I flipped on the radio to a music station and they were talking about an airline crash. I had no idea what they were talking about- I just remember the deejay saying "it had to be on purpose, it had to be on purpose". They kept saying something about it being a small plane and then the other deejay kept saying it was an airliner. I was still confused as to what they were talking about. It sounded as if two planes collided (but for some reason I though of an airshow accident). Once they mentioned the Towers, I switched to the news station but wasn't able to listen long. I ended up parking and walking to work, not really sure what had happened.

    Once I got to work, my coworker and I took turns entering a nearby waiting area that had a television. I work in a large facility with many offices. People were sitting on the floor, standing against the wall and crouched down in chairs just watching silently. Nobody really spoke to each other, they just sat there crying or nodding their heads in utter disbelief.
    My phone at work kept ringing as my friend called looking for updates from his job. My family was emailing and calling each other madly, looking for two members of our family who work in DC. Their jobs are related to federal security and are near the pentagon, so it was harrowing wondering where they were (though we all felt that realistically, they were busy with their jobs and were not likely injured in the pentagon attack, but waiting to hear from them was still a bit distressing obviously).

    I just remember thinking as the planes were slowly being grounded... when will this end? Funny, even after they finally grounded all of the planes, it didn't feel any better, any safer or in any way closer to being over. Bad day. Bad, bad day.

    Darkhorse- I happened to hear it on Kiss108 (though I'm not a big fan of Kiss 108). I listened to Whdh mcuh of the rest of the day. What station did you have on?

  • Jourles

    Since I was laid off from my job the previous week, I was sleeping in. The wife called me from her friend's house and said that a plane had hit one of the WTC buildings. It didn't register at first being that I was half asleep. I think I told her "uh huh, ok" and she then told me to get out of bed and to turn on the tv. I dragged myself out of bed, lumbered into the living room and flipped the remote. I think the first thought that ran through my half-consciousness was, "This is weird. Why are they showing this on tv? This looks like some kind of movie." And then it clicked all at once. Oh my god. This is for real. And then the second plane hit. Holy $hit, this MUST be an act of terrorists. There ain't no way in hell two airline pilots are that bad.

  • Jesika

    I remember where I was like it was yesterday. I was working nights cause I was still stripping at the time and usually didn't get up till 3pm or later. I remember the phone wouldn't stop ringing so I finally got up (it was about 9am and had gone to sleep around 6am) and I was pissed off being woken up so early. So, a friend was frantic on the phone telling me to turn the news on. I don't usually watch the news and was angry this is why I was woke up. I didn't have a cordless so I had to stretch all the way across the room to turn the TV on. When I finally got to the news channel I saw the towers (I have alot of family in NYC) and I dropped the phone which had a rubber band effect and slammed into the wall as I fell to my knees on a marble floor catching myself with my hands. I don't know who long I stayed on the floor, I was in shock and all I could think about was if any of my family was in the building and then I saw it fall. I was crying and couldn't remember my mom's work #. I finally found it written down ( I usually dial without thinking but couldn't get myself to remember the #). I called but she had already left and I got in touch with her finally at home and asked if she was in contact with my grandmother and grandfather or any of my other familly there. She said the phones were down and she couldn't contact any of them. We had to wait---that was one of the longest waits I have been through. The not knowing was tearing me apart. Finally we found out everyone was ok and we were fortunate that noone was hurt in our family, but it was just as devistating just to watch it in our own backyard. My sister spent more time in NYC than me since she lived there for a few months and she knew some of the people who worked in the towers. It has been reallly hard for her and today she is sitting at home crying again for the ones she knew and lost.

  • NewYork44M

    I had arrived at work in midtown NYC. It was a beautiful day, I was looking forward to starting a new project and someone asked why I was smiling. She said that the WTC had been hit by a plane and wondered why I did not hear any about it yet. I tried to get some news from the internet but that was down. Someone turned on a radio and we heard what was going on. Later that morning I walked out and could see the large black cloud and decided to try to get home.

    Since the subways were shut down I walked with my wife, who also worked in midtown. It was eirie to see masses of people all walking the same direction, with no traffic going towards lower manhattan.

  • 4christ

    My friend woke me up with a phone call to turn on the tv, the world trade center was hit by a plane. When i turned it on (still half asleep) they were showing the first tower being hit......at first i thought it was a horrible accident......then i saw the second plane hit the other tower. That was when i realized it was no accident. By the time i saw it on Tv, the towers had already fallen (i am on the west coast). I cant imagine what it must have been like to actually watch those towers fall down, it was plenty horrifying watching it on the tv.


  • thewiz

    looking at the fire burning at the Pentagon (with my own eyes)

  • imanaliento

    I had just gotten in the grocery store and the guy working in the produce dept asked me if I knew what had happened and proceeded to tell me about the planes, I remember asking him "Is this a joke?" went home turned the tv on, kept the boys in school which was good because I cried and cried, so much that my outer forhead hurt the next day. I had never had that feeling before/

  • joannadandy
    Where were you Joanna??

    Ruby- I was in class, I had a 7:30 speech class and we were all oblivious. I had time to kill between classes so I walked over to the student union cuz it usually pretty dead. The campus wasn't really buzzing. No one sobbing or saying "did you hear?" So I was blissfully unaware.

    I got to the student rec center, and it was packed with people staring at the TV's. I thought a class must be in progress and thought about ducking out, and then saw what was on the TV's. I just saw a split screen. The towers were smoking and the pentagon was on fire. My mind couldn't even fathom what the hell was going on, I didn't recognize either building because of all the fire and smoke. And I was transfixed. I didn't want to look, I was confused, and yet I couldn't look away. Then the announcement came that there was another plane that crashed outside of pittsburg.

    I asked the guy standing next to me what was happening, he filled me in. We both discussed how everyone would probably be ok, because they could rescue them from the top of the building, and everyone else could walk down the stairs. No sooner had those sentences left our mouths when the first tower collapsed.

    It was a long day after that...

  • Beans

    I was doing work in a mall for one of Canada`s wireless carriers and we were asked to leave the site. So we went to the pub and watched it all unfold on the Tele. It really seemed real when we were driving home and saw all the planes grounded at the Airport here in Toronto. And seeing the whole airfield full the followong three days did not seem normal at all.


    Canadian Overbeer

  • ThiChi

    I was at Lake Tahoe for a "work" related convention. I was at Ceasers Palace at the Crap table when the news broke.......Bloody Mary (breakfast) and a Cuban H Upmann #2 Cigar in hand.

    Then, the Floor Person looked like a long lost cousin that I had not seen in fifteen years. When he walked by, "Russell" was on his name plate...BINGO! It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.......

    Edited by - thichi on 11 September 2002 18:31:3

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