Barely hanging on

by joelbear 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    Joel Bear

    Thinkin of ya man, HANG ONE DUDE!

  • Satanus

    Hang on, man


  • imanaliento

    hope you get to feeling better soon. there are some self hypnosis books out there that may help. My husband has been into this and I'll let him know, maybe he can get in contact via e-mail.

  • Preston


    Hang on, please e-mail me if you want someone to talk to.


  • caligirl

    I am in agreement with everyone here who says talk to your Doctor- there are many treatment options. I am in the same boat with the anxiety/panic attacks that last hours to days- which goes beyond what most info out there says about panic/anxiety attacks as far as duration. I can also vouch for Klonopin- it has been extremely helpful to me when the attacks have been severe. I am now on Zoloft for the panic disorder and it does help considerably. I have not had to take the klonopin since I started the zoloft.Hang in there! It does get better! My thoughts are with you!

  • LyinEyes

    Sorry you are having such a hard time Joelbear. I have panic attacks too and suffer from crazy mood swings. I have been taking Klonapin for awhile now ,everyday 1mg at night , it helps with the nightmares or nightterrors, and it is also used as a mood stablizer. I havent tired Paxil, but I think that is an SSRI antidepressant used to treat anxiety,,might check on that one. I tell you if it is really bad Xanax can work very quickly and if used for just a short time, may help with the anxiety until other meds have time to kick in. Klonapin is a long acting drug and stays in your system longer, Xanax, is a shorter acting one and works quicker. But like someone said earlier,, Frank I think,,,, never , never go cold turkey off these drugs,,,,,,, I did that a couple of times and it was terrible. You have to taper off of them. But klonapin can be used if determined by your doctor as a long term drug in extreame cases. Also the generic version of the drug is not costly.

    Hope you find something to releive your anxiety Joel............. keep us informed ,, we will all be thinking of you .................. Dede

  • Flip
    Matthew 7:12 is the simplest most straight forward ethical lesson available. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    I believe that the word "others" applies to every being that is not ourselves. I define this as the difference between the self and the unself. I believe in a phenomenon which I call natural guilt. This guilt is inborn in us in order to counteract the selfish struggle for individual survival.

    - joelbear -

    Joel, it may take time but work hard at getting through this difficulty, being allowed to mull over your perspective is important to me.


  • waiting

    Sweetpea................get yourself to your doctor........and then to another doctor. Print out this thread and ask your doctor about the drugs named here. If you have a close friend (Mitch?) who will go with you, all the better.

    You've gone through this before, might have to go through it again, sweetie. Many of us have a fond affection for you, you big bear. Please take care of yourself.......we like you a lot.


  • Sentinel



    Panic attacks are horrid. Even trying to explain them to someone else is difficult. The way they just used to come upon me, anywhere, anytime. They left me weak and disoriented, and feeling like I just wanted to crawl in a hole.

    The worse ones were when they came in the middle of the night. I would suddenly awaken with total horror and dread, and worse of all, feeling like I was absolutely going to die. I would just suddenly feel as if I couldn't get air into my lungs, then be overcome with a great weakness and total dread. After having these so many times, I gradually began to understand them more. I could sometimes "know" when one was about to come over me, as I would first become a bit dizzy, and then my hearing would fade slightly. I would feel flushed and weak.

    I would force myself to get up and move about, and if I was around other people, I would tell them what was happening and that I might need their help. It was always so awful when I would have an attack when I was alone. Then I would be on the phone to anyone trying to get them to talk me through it, and help regulate my breathing. That seemed to be the key.

    In some information that I read, it explained that sometimes, we are so upset and nervous "inside", that we "forget" to breath correctly. This causes lack of oxygen going to the brain. Some of my panic attacks actually led to having to open a window or door for some moving air, even in the middle of the night. If that didn't work fast enough, I'd make my way to the refrigerator, and hold the freezer door open. There was something about the really cold air that seemed to help.

    I took it upon myself to get educated on why this was happening to me. It occured from 1981 through until about two years ago. DUH. Why, yes, it had to do with the history with JW's. They had totally messed up my thinking processes. I was out, but there were some unresolved "remains" still left in my brain cells, which caused me to have conflicting emotions.

    Thank goodness that I have been able to get past the worse of my issues and settle down and learn that I am a worthwhile person, worthy to be loved. That I deserve to find joy and happiness. It's different with all of us. I hope you will soon be able to live without those dreaded panic attacks.

    Take good care of yourself.


  • Mulan

    Joel, So sorry you are having a bad time. Maybe it helps to know we all care about you.

    Hugs and kisses!!

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