Let's shake things up at Beliefnet

by professor 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • professor

    I've been reading and posting over at the Jehovah's Witnesses Challenge & Critique section of the mega-religion site Beliefnet. The moderator (a JW) is starting to get her undies in a bundle over some of the posts! I think it would be cool if some others from here would go over there and rattle the cage a little.


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    Jehovah's Witnesses Challenge and Critique

    Edited by - professor on 29 August 2002 1:46:26

  • Stephanus

    LOL Professor - Well done! Keep the pressure on!

    Can I ask you a small favour, Professor? Can you please put your old profile pic of the Professor from Gilligan's Island up? I find it a very comforting and reassuring image - reflecting my age, perhaps!

  • plmkrzy

    Who did your make over?

  • Beck_Melbourne

    So who is getting her undies in a bundle over there Professor...I posted on your thread...but I could not identify who is getting all uptight...I walked in with my fisty cuffs all set and ready to spar...

    Only thing is, who am I hitting?? LOL


  • professor


    The moderator is illyria .

    That comment about thinking that the dubs are working for God not the WT was not sarcasm. She actually thinks that!


    Just hit reload and it should be there. You weren't the first person to ask. Happy now I&P (if you're still lurking), and Heaven?

    Edited by - professor on 29 August 2002 1:53:1

  • Stephanus


    On the BeliefNet subject, it's a rather vast board. Do you have any specific threads in mind that we should have a look at, Professor?

  • plmkrzy

    make up your mind

    Any particular thread or topic? I checked out the link and there are several to chose from. Don't know about anyone else but I don't want to go through all those threads looking for moderators panties. How about posting links or at least one to one of the better heated threads?


  • Robdar


    I read your posts at Beliefnet. They were hilarious. Good job.



  • professor

    I really didn't have any specific threads in mind. I just think it would be cool if more people from here make a presence on the Jehovah's Witnesses Challenge & Critique board. The moderator issued a general thread stating that she doesn't like some of the things being said even though the conversations have been quite mild. She is new and I think a bit naive. Beliefnet is a huge mega-traffic site that I think Is good exposure to the world about these issues.

    Thanks everyone for taking a look!

    P.S. Simon, you wouldn't happen to be simon712 over there, would you? -prof

    Edited by - professor on 29 August 2002 2:18:22

  • larc

    Prof, I am signed up and ready to rock and roll. I have a question for you. Once I get to the site, how do I find the JW discussion group? What category is it listed under?

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