WT October 15, 2015 - Don't believe Apostate Lies

by Designer Stubble 65 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • westiebilly11
    ..reminiscent of Hitler/Nazis when they tried to clampdown on Germans listening to 'foreign' radio stations.....'only believe homegrown broadcasts'..ie believe homegrown propaganda not foreign propaganda...
  • skepticSam
    Mother refuses to answer any questions posted in the Media, strange though they love to bring articles and good "write ups" when it's good, why not take the good and bad instead of hiding?
  • stuckinarut2
    The Searcher

    "It's definitely coming - looking at "apostate websites" will become a disfellowshipping offence!"

    Trust me, I can attest to this now!

    I wish I could share more info with you all now......

  • flipper

    This kind of mind fucki%g that the WT Society is doing towards it's JW members is more dangerous than any of us probably really realize. I mean- think about it. Jim Jones, David Koresh, Adolf Hitler , Charles Manson - essentially ALL of them cult leaders used this kind of misinformation and thought control to disengage any critical thinking ability within their followers and to gain the " trust " of their followers to look at ANY outside information or outsiders as threatening to their cause . They used the " Stockholm Syndrome " to the hilt- extremely so.

    Read this quote again from the October article in the opening thread, " And what should you do if you find slanderous news about Jehovah's organization on the Internet ? Such material should be firmly rejected....... " . Translation : Anything you find on the Internet speaking negatively towards the WT organization are all lies and should be firmly rejected. So WT leaders are CONDITIONING JW's to believe that ANYTHING on the Internet against the WT Society is to be dismissed. Even CRIMINAL ACCUSATIONS. So WT Society is amping up it's efforts to make JW's complicit with them in their views on criminal child abuse policies, no blood transfusions, whereby if articles come out condemning WT Society for crimes - the Stockholm Syndrome will be in full effect on rank & file JW's brains making them sympathizing with the WT Society's criminality. That is scary shit.

    Also analyze THIS quote, " Above all, love refuses to believe malevolent insinuations about Jehovah's organization or lies about our brothers that are circulated by people who are slaves to " the father of the lie ", Satan the Devil. " Translation : You as Jehovah's people need to show your " love " for the GB and WT leaders and not believe even criminal accusations or ANY negative news as all sources being negative against the WT Society are inspired by Satan the Devil. It couldn't POSSIBLY be true ! So once again- this is a total THOUGHT STOPPING process by the GB and WT leaders to control JW's brains to not even SUSPECT that the WT Society would be doing anything criminal or unethical. And once again the Stockholm Syndrome takes over where rank & file JW's identify with their captors WT leaders and turn off their minds and hand them over on a silver platter to the GB and WT leaders. Very scary stuff .

    Now all WT leaders will need to do is tell JW's to jump off a cliff for Jehovah- and they won't think twice about it. If any of us have JW relatives still in I feel sorry for us- especially if our relatives are still fanatics in the JW cult. WT leaders are playing hardball here folks- responding to the child abuse heat, blood transfusion media heat, and the general Internet heat exposing WT organization corruption. This means , in my opinion, we need to amp up our efforts. The ploy by WT officials is to get us to back down psychologically in our efforts at exposing them due to fear of how WE will be perceived. Do you see the insidiousness of this WT article ? F em' - we need to keep exposing the WT Society for the crotch itch that it is

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    For once I would love for the WT to address the lies we have been telling folks.

    Name just one lie and we will leave you alone, we may go on our marry way.

    But we are betting 100 to your 0, how does that stand up. Who is telling the truth here.

    If it was 10% lies we were telling people , ok you may have a point but we are kicking

    your butts at 100% truthfulness.

  • Lieu



    Pardon me, um, but who actually prepared for a WT study? Each paragraph spits the answers to the questions out like a 3rd grade picture book. No one has to strain a cell with an actual thought to answer. I disliked them because they were so condescending and impersonal. At least if you pass research along it makes the mundane boredom of it a tad bit interesting.

    The Internet.

    People who grew up in third world dictatorships knew how to use it. Nigerian scammers have been using it for decades. Who doesn't know how to use it but maybe some 70's and up?

    Make sure of all things.

    Revelation 2:2 GW

    I know what you have done-how hard you have worked and how you have endured. I also know that you cannot tolerate wicked people. You have tested those who call themselves apostles but are not apostles. You have discovered that they are liars.

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