WT October 15, 2015 - Don't believe Apostate Lies

by Designer Stubble 65 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    It's definitely coming - looking at "apostate websites" will become a disfellowshipping offence!

    Of course, virtually nobody will actually be caught doing so, but the fear of being d/f'd will be more than enough to deter any J.W. from sharing information they've gleaned from the web.

    The rope is being tightened around the necks!

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate
    Searcher, isn't it already a DF offence?
  • punkofnice

    We must be very selective about what we consider worthy of our attention. (The ‘preacher’s WE’)

    Especially could those (What weird grammar) who are new to the Internet (Why new? Is this to imply that the GB are experienced and the reader is a dolt?) conclude that a report or a news item, however strange or sensational, is true simply because it is online or because a friend sent it via e-mail. (How patronising)

    It is also unwise (Comma missed) to forward recordings or transcripts of Bible talks. (Why? Because the current light might be superseded and the WBT$ do not want to be liabe for it?)

    Furthermore, forwarding research material, verses extracted for Bible study, or answers to use at congregation meetings would detract from the value of each individual’s personal preparation. (Yes, can’t have the R&F missing a chance to be brainwashed or give them extra time. Funny how the WBT$ doesn’t like anything recorded in any media whatsoever!)

    And what should you do if you find slanderous (Really?) news about Jehovah’s organization on the Internet? Such material should be firmly rejected (How do you know if it’s slanderous unless you investigate?)...Jesus, (Appeal to authority) who was the object of false accusations, warned his followers that enemies would persecute them and “lyingly say every sort of wicked thing against [them].” (So, that was Jesus. What has Jesus got to do with the WBT$? Is this non-sequitur hour?)

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    The GB is still talking about email like it is a new thing.

    I think they don't realize yet how strong a presence social media is even in the lives of average JWs. You don't need someone to send you news, it gets delivered straight to your feed.

    Email is yesterdays news.

  • punkofnice
    campaign of hate19 minutes ago
    The GB is still talking about email like it is a new thing.

    Yes, but we need to remember the GB only communicate via holy spirit with the invisible sky idiot. They're not used to 'worldly' technology.....*AHEM*unless it's a certain type of perverted porn*COUGH*COUGH*.

  • minimus

    Don't share your research.

    Years ago, we relished sharing research and forwarding talks that were presented by excellent speakers.

    Now, it's wrong for a JW to do.


  • done4good

    And what should you do if you find slanderous news about Jehovah’s organization on the Internet? Such material should be firmly rejected...

    What I clearly see in that statement is surrender. It used to be that the organization would dance around this subject, talking about the dangers of the internet, (usually with a reference to porn, almost never about apostasy directly). However, now it seems they are tacitly admitting that JWs see the critical information, because they know finding it is unavoidable. This is good news.

    For you lurkers, get off the Titanic while you still can.


  • punkofnice
    minimusa minute agoDon't share your research.
    Years ago, we relished sharing research and forwarding talks that were presented by excellent speakers.
    Now, it's wrong for a JW to do.

    I have lots of cd's of talks. I wish I hadn't bothered now. what a waste.

    I will never refer to them ever again.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    campaign of hate - not at the moment, as far as I know. We are only "counselled" not to view such web sites.
  • cha ching
    cha ching
    Dear Searcher.... You will NOT "know" until you "do"...... and only if you are able to talk yourself out of it.... "ooops, a mistake"..... Then, you will be watched, and every comment scrutinized... Even when I was "in".... you could be DF'd if the 'body' so desired...

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